Background: Government’s ETS Figures
The table below was included in the media pack for an October 9 briefing by Environment Minister Nick Smith on the prosed changes to the emission trading scheme under the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Bill. It contains the figures the Government used for its costing of the scheme.
Scoop understands they were not made available anywhere else and have been difficult to obtain since.
Today Carbon New reports that Treasury advice on the costs of the scheme may have been mistaken.
We are also publishing a copy of the slide presentation from the same briefing [etsbriefing.pdf]. The table on page 10 and the (unevenly-numbered) graphs on pages 11 and 12 deal with the fiscal impact and the changes to credit allocations. Copies of the graphs are also included below.
See also:
- Sustainability Council of NZ - ETS changes Put 84% of Bill to Future Taxpayers
- Carbon News - Error sends cost of ETS changes skyrocketing

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