Scoop Images: Hillary Clinton's First Pōwhiri (Part 2) - Te Wero
Photo Essay By Alastair Thompson
(See also Part 1 - Hillary Clinton arrives at Parliament for her first Pōwhiri)
The challenge Wero continues as the Taki (challenge dart) is laid down for the honoured guest.

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The Taki must be accepted by a male and in this case by by the US Ambassador to New Zealand on behalf of his boss. This is the traditional way of determining whether visitors to a Marae came in peace or with hostile intentions.

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The wero continues as the warriors advance towards Mrs Clinton and her escorts.

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The conch shell is sounded.

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The Secretary and her party advance towards the warriors…

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… who are fully engaged in their Haka.

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Continuing - in Part 3
see Introductions and