Photo Essay: Jordan in 24 hours - sympathy to celebration
Photo Essay: Jordan in 24 hours - from sympathy
to celebration!
Last week it was hundreds in the street, this week it was thousands - Jordan is another country on the move....despite much of the media ignoring what is happening here, it's not just Algeria and Yemen!!

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1. From midday prayers at Al Husseiny Mosque

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2. straight to the street, Jordanians protest Mubarak's refusal to resign..

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3. Meanwhile hundreds more gathered outsside the Egyptian embassy

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4. men

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5. women

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6. and children, each with their own message. The little girl's cartoon shows her trying to watch TV but all the programmes are protests and news about Mubarak's refusal to resign - she wants him to resign so she can watch cartoons again!!

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The little boy's sign says "You killed us. We need food. You (Egyptian Government) broke us." He is Palestinian.
7. Loud

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9. These people, like Egyptians

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10. vowed to continue, little realising that within hours they would be back here in their thoussands
These video links are of the celebrations outside the Embassy, which most of Amman attended!!
11a. Jordan celebrates Mubarak's exit outside Egyptian Embassy in Amman
11b. Celebrating Mubarak's exit outside Egyptian Embassy, Amman, Jordan contd
The celebration went on for hours, with people arriving as fast as others left....the entire street was packed with people, it was amazing!!

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12. Next afternoon there was a Press Conference at the Professional Centre, where hundreds gathered to hear speeches

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13. by leaders of the professional Centre and the Muslim Brotherhood, and to continue celebrating.
Press conference/event at the Professional Centre in Amman, where the Director of the Professional Centre and the head of the Muslim Brotherhood spoke. They expect the new Egyptian regime to be more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and hope that they will open the border between Egypt and Gaza and Jordan.
Julie Webb-Pullman (click to view previous articles) is a New Zealand based freelance writer who has reported for Scoop since 2003. She was selected to be part of the Kiwi contingent on the Viva Palestina Convoy - a.k.a. Kia Ora Gaza. Send Feedback to