95bFM Audio: Selwyn Manning & Jon Armistead – Put Your Hand Up McCully And Accept Responsibility!
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On today's
counter-clockwise, Selwyn Manning and 95bFM's Jon Armistead
discuss the transparent maneuvers by the Minister for the
Rugby World Cup Murray McCully as he positions to avoid any
blame for the lack of leadership and inattention displayed
by those governing the opening events at the waterfront in
Auckland last Friday.
McCully appears lacking in confidence and is hardly convincing that he is the saviour of all those who were placed at risk during the pushing and shoving show that was labelled Party Central by McCully and the Prime Minister John Key.
A message to Scoop from a man who was there with his wife and 5 year-old-girl said: “It was dangerous. We were pushed and squeezed, I had to put my daughter on my shoulders to ensure she was safe. In the end, I think the Government wanted us all crammed in there so the TV footage taken by helicopters above us and beamed all over the world would look like New Zealand was putting on a fantastic show. In reality, it was a horrible experience.”
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