5AA Adelaide: Selwyn Manning & Peter Godfrey on NZSAS Soldier Killed + Government's Urgency Moves + RWC Update
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Scoop's Selwyn Manning and 5AA Australia's Peter Godfrey discuss how a second NZ SAS Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, but the soldier's death has not changed the Prime Minister's view that New Zealand's SAS should remain in Afghanistan and help the government there to maintain security and order.
Also, the National-led Government is determined to ram through a video surveillance bill that will get the Police off the hook for illegally videoing suspects in their own homes. With an election looming, the Natonals haven't had it all its own way with other parties in the Parliament forcing its urgent legislation into Select Committee.
We have one more weekend of pool games before the Rugby World Cup heats up with the quarter finals...
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