Truthout: October 5, 2011
Truthout: October 5, 2011
Greg Palast | Uber-Vultures: The
Billionaires Who Would Pick Our President
Palast, Truthout: "Hedge fund magnate Paul Singer likes to
breakfast on decayed carcasses. What he chews down is
sickening, but just as nausea-inducing are his new
tablemates: billionaires Ken Langone and the Koch Brothers,
Charles and David. Singer has called together the
billionaire boys' club for the purpose of picking our next
president for us. The old-fashioned way of choosing
presidents - democracy and counting ballots and all that -
has never been a favorite of this pack."
Jim Hightower
| Something Big Is Happening: Occupy Together
Hightower, Truthout: "To paraphrase one of Bob Dylan's songs
of youthful protest, 'Something's happening here, and you
don't know what it is, do you Ms. Bellafante?' A New York
Times writer, Ginia Bellafante, is but one of many
establishment reporters and pundits who've been covering the
fledgling 'Occupy Wall Street' movement - but completely
missing the story. Instead of really digging into what's
'happening here,' they've resorted to fuddy-duddy mockery of
an important populist protest that has sprouted right in
Wall Street's own neighborhood."
CIA: Zubaydah's
Torture Drawings, "Should They Exist," to Remain Top
Leopold, Truthout: "In 2002, not long after he was subjected
to so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' by Bruce
Jessen and James Mitchell, psychologists under contract to
the CIA, high-value detainee Abu Zubaydah made about ten
drawings depicting the torture he endured while in custody
of the agency. One of the drawings Zubaydah had sketched
captured in incredible detail the waterboarding sessions he
The Lessons of Law and Order: What
Canadians Can Learn From Failed US Crime Policy
Searls Giroux, Truthout: "The muscular law-and-order shift
in mainstream political rhetoric in both Ontario and Canada,
and its deepening popular appeal, strike an uncanny cord
with ex-pat Americans like me, who came of age in the
post-civil rights era and witnessed the galvanization - and
polarization - of the US electorate by successive waves of
counter-revolutionary change that rolled back many of the
hard-won advances of that turbulent time."
The Laura
Flanders Show Live From Occupy Wall Street Labor March
The Uptake, Free Speech TV and the Media Consortium: "Occupy
Wall Street is in its third week, but even though the local
media teams have been doing extraordinary work, the money
media are still covering the protest as if it were a
wildlife park. If the networks won't bring the protesters
into the studio, we're going to bring a broadcast 'studio'
to the protesters. Yup, it's another collaboration from
GRITtv, The Uptake, Free Speech TV and the Media Consortium.
TODAY, from 4-7 pm eastern, we will produce a three-hour
special show featuring coverage of the Occupy Wall Street
Labor March on satellite in all 50 states on Free Speech TV
and online."
Study: A Fifth of War Veterans Have Mental
Health Issues
Goldstein, McClatchy Newspapers: "Nearly 20 percent of the
more than 2 million troops who have served in Iraq and
Afghanistan suffer from mental health conditions, according
to a new report. They amount to more than half of the
712,000 veterans from both wars who have sought medical
treatment since leaving military service. Nearly a third of
those veterans may suffer from post-traumatic stress
disorder, one of the signature injuries of the
Waste and Fraud Problems? Cut the
Investigators and It Will Disappear!
Rasor, Truthout: "So, you have a 90-year-old federal agency
that returns $87 for every dollar invested, recommended $50
billion in savings every year, writes over 1,000 reports to
Congress every year and had 80 percent of its
recommendations over the past five years instituted (at
least on paper), all on a budget of half a billion dollars a
year - peanuts compared to other government spending. You
would think that this agency would get a big atta boy thanks
and increased spending from the Congress to hire more staff
and find more fraud and waste during these tight budget
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Occupy Wall
Street Movement Continues to Grow, and More
today's On the News segment: Members from several prominent
labor unions are expected to take to the streets in
solidarity with Occupy Wall Street demonstrators,
International Monetary Fund report shows that low level of
wealth inequality is greatest factor for prolonged economic
growth in a nation, Bruce Bartlett drills a hole in the
Republicans' "regulatory uncertainty" argument, and
Welcome to the Revolution: Life @ Occupy Wall
Street's Liberty Park
DeGraw, AmpedStatus: "I've spent countless hours at Liberty
Park talking with people of all political persuasions, from
all walks of life, from all over this country, no, check
that, from all over the world. The second you walk into the
occupation, you can't help but get knocked around like a
volleyball. At every turn, there is an amazingly in depth
debate on deep political, philosophical, economic and
cultural issues."
The "Eco-al-Qaeda"? September 11
Ushered in War on "Eco-Terrorism" and Civil
Potter, Truthout: "On September 12, 2001, as emergency crews
searched for survivors, Rep. Greg Walden warned Congress
that 'eco-terrorists' posed a threat 'no less heinous than
what we saw occur yesterday here in Washington and in New
York.' He was not alone: Rep. Don Young publicly speculated
that the attack might have actually been the work of
environmentalists. A month later, The Washington Times
called for war against the 'eco-al-Qaeda.'"
Van Jones
on America's Uprising: It's Going to Be an Epic
M. Stan and Don Hazen, AlterNet: "As the grassroots sit-ins
and marches that originated as Occupy Wall Street spread to
other cities, Van Jones, lead evangelist for the American
Dream movement, took the stage Monday at a Washington, DC
hotel where organizers of the institutional element of the
progressive movement converged at Take Back the American
Fox News and Wall Street Banks Hustle to Kill
New Whistleblower Protections
Fang, ThinkProgress: "A few years go, a media firestorm
erupted over the urban 'Stop Snitchin' campaign promoted by
gangs and a few hip hop icons. Stop Snitchin refers to the
effort to intimidate informants to prevent them from
cooperating with police about gang violence or drug
trafficking schemes. Rapper Cam'ron received heavy scrutiny
for endorsing the trend during an interview on the issue for
CBS's 60 Minutes."
This Modern World: A Sound of
cartoonist Tom Tomorrow shows Republicans on a
time-traveling mission to find lower gas prices.
Secret Documents Show Foreclosure Watchdog Doesn't
Bark or Bite
Kiel, ProPublica: "Why has the administration's flagship
foreclosure prevention program been so ineffective in
helping struggling homeowners get loan modifications and
stay in their homes? One reason: The government's
supervision of the program has apparently ranged from
nonexistent to weak. Documents obtained by ProPublica -
government audit reports of GMAC, the country's
fifth-largest mortgage servicer - provide the first detailed
look at the program's oversight."
With the price of milk rising so high that many low-income New Yorkers can't afford it anymore, (, it's hardly comforting to know that - as BuzzFlash at Truthout detailed yesterday ( - the priority of the multibillionaire mayor of New York is "helping the banks."
In a rambling radio interview last week that reeked of royal aristocracy, Bloomberg asked workers to ask not what they can do for themselves, but what they can do for their companies. BuzzFlash is not making this up: (
"And people in this day and age need support for their employers. If the banks don't go out and make loans we will not come out of our economic problems, we will not have jobs so anything we can do that's responsible to help the banks do that is what we need."
Except the banks aren't making a lot of loans, and there is little demand anyway because there are fewer dollars around for Americans to spend. The banks are still gambling with our money; giving no interest for savings accounts; investing overseas; and handing out big, fat bonuses for their financiers who bet against the US economy.
You could call Bloomberg delusional, except that he knowingly represents the lopsided economy that works for making people like him enormously rich at the expense of the other 99 percent of Americans.
Large corporations, in general (including banks), aren't generally creating new jobs; they have been laying off workers, getting cheaper labor overseas and increasing profits by also cutting back on benefits and wages.
Take for instance the latest drumbeat of corporations to be allowed a "tax-holiday" that would allow them to return offshore profits to the US without being taxed. They claim that this will create more employment in the US.
But Reuters recounts what happened the last time Congress listened to this siren song of greed: (
"Ten major U.S. corporations, including big banks Citigroup Inc and Bank of America Corp, laid off workers after enjoying a tax holiday in 2004-2005 that had been billed as a form of economic stimulus, said a report released on Tuesday....
Fifty-eight corporations that accounted for 70 percent of overseas profits repatriated under the 2004-2005 tax break collectively saved $64 billion in taxes, then cut 600,000 jobs through layoffs, the report said."
Bloomberg, like the Kochs, repackages greed to make it sound like he is helping the 99 percent of Americans who are getting the economic shaft. He may do it with a suave appearance of "moderate" New York style.
But it's a greed that is ruining the nation, even if Bloomberg occasionally rides the subway to appear as if he is "a man of the people."
Mark Karlin
Editor, BuzzFlash at
High Price Puts Milk Out of Reach for
Low-Income New Yorkers
Read the Article at WNYC
Warren: "Wall Street Broke This Country"
Read the
Article at Politico
Fourth-Richest Person in US Due to Wall Street, Is About to
Snap the Mouse Trap Shut on Those Who Threaten His
Read the Article at BuzzFlash
Considers Surtax on Millionaires
Read the Article at
Shed the Truth That Is Necessary to Our
Read the Article at BuzzFlash
School Principal Bullies Gay Student for Wearing
Gay-Straight Alliance Shirt
Read the Article at the
Moral Clarity of Occupying Wall Street
Read the
Article at BuzzFlash