Scoop Images: Saddleback Bird Of The Year Campaign Hits The Streets

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In other elections, Forest and Bird is currently running its annual Bird of the Year poll.
Hard on the heels of an announcement that the Kakapo and Pukeko were well ahead of the flock in current voting, a representative of the Saddleback (Tieke) campaign staged a blatant publicity stunt in Wellington's Midland Park today.
Bearing an actual (if un-tieke-like) saddle, saddleback campaign manager Jackson Wood handed out campaign material to the lunchtime crowd and offered rides on his own back. This offer – which Wood accepted could not be fulfilled by an actual Saddleback – was widely declined.
At the time of writing, the saddleback has 252 votes, polling at approximately 3.6%.
You can vote for any bird you like at

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An attempt to give Scoop a ride ended in media disaster.

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