PM's Press Conference Monday, 12 December 2011
Scoop Video + Audio + Photos: Press conference held today to announce the Cabinet line-up for the incoming Government - Monday, 12 December 2011
By Alastair Thompson

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Prime Minister John Key was back to his genial self at today's Press Conference to announce the incoming Cabinet. See more images below
- Scoop Audio (22 Minutes): Prime Minster John Key's Press Conference Today
Click a link to play audio (or right-click to
download) in either
MP3 format or in OGG format.
- The PM announced the new Cabinet
Lineup (for detail see ... New National-led Administration
- He then faced extensive questioning on
details/rationale for inclusion, promotion, demotion in the
announcement from members of the Press Gallery.
- He was
also asked about the allegations of a cover up by Revenue
Minister Peter Dunne of public opinion research around
alcohol reform. To which he replied that he understood from
Mr Dunne that most of the information was already in the
public domain.
- He was asked about discussions around a
new "memorandum of understanding" with the Green Party and
said these had not yet started but that he expected them to
do so shortly.
- Asked whether there was likely to be
another reshuffle he said the Gallery should not "bet the
farm" on their being one, however he was not ruling one
- Scoop Video (22 Minutes): Youtube Video on demand of Prime Minister John Key's press conference today.
- Scoop Image:More images from today's PM's press conference.

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