Julie Webb-Pullman Photo Essay: Hamas 24th Anniversary, Gaza
Photo Essay - Hamas 24th Anniversary in Gaza
Julie Webb-Pullman
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Al Katiba was everyone's destination today...
350,000 people today gathered in Gaza to celebrate the 24th Anniversary of the founding of the Islamist movement Hamas, and to affirm their resistance to Israeli occupation. Prime Minister and Gaza Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh addressed the crowd, assembled in front of a boat-shaped stage with a 16 metere high replica of the Al-Aqsa mosque.
A Hamas Press Statement said, “On this day in the year 1987, our people started their revolution against the Israeli occupation, and made thousands of sacrifices for the sake of their land and holy sites...Our people are still steadfast, determined to achieve full unity, and despite Israel’s excessive use of force, and bombardment, they are determined to achieve liberation, and to establish their independent state.”
The event was punctuated by sonic bombs from Israeli military aircraft overhead.

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... families

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and young

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surrounding the mosque

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and cramming the adjoining park with 350,000 people

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to celebrate the 24th anniversary of Hamas

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Women young

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and old,

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kids big

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and small

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affirming continuing resistance

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and determination

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for a Palestinian state

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along with Jerusalem

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Tahrir was remembered

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Some took a drink of water

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a break

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or a nap on Dad's shoulder

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before heading home