David Shearer Announces Labour Party Shadow Cabinet Lineup - Presser Audio/Video/Pics
Scoop Video + Audio + Photos: Press conference held today to announce the Labour Party Shadow Cabinet Lineup
By Alastair Thompson

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Labour Leader David Shearer and Deputy Leader Grant Robertson at today's press conference See more images below
- Scoop Audio (23 Minutes): Labour Leader David Shearer's Press Conference Today
Click a link to play audio (or right-click to
download) in either
MP3 format or in OGG format.
David Shearer held a press conference today with Deputy Leader Grant Robertson to announce the shadow cabinet lineup.
For more information see the Labour Party Press release:
David Shearer today announced Labour’s new line-up that promotes new faces and focuses on Labour's priorities for a clean, green and innovative New Zealand that supports strong families and communities. More>>
- Scoop Video (24 Minutes): Youtube Video on demand of David Shearer's press conference today.
- Scoop Image:Another image from today's press conference.

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