Business Statement And Members’ Bills
Business Statement And Members’ Bills
After a one week adjournment the Government would seek to progress the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill and the Advanced Technology Institute Bill and a number of bills awaiting first reading, MPs were told today
The Deputy Leader of the House Anne Tolley said discussions were underway in the Business Committee on when Parliament would next deal with alcohol law reform legislation.
The annual reports of the Health Sponsorship Council, NZ Transport Agency and the National Land Transport Fund Annual Report were tabled.
The Māori Affairs Committee reported on the 2011/12 financial review of non-departmental appropriations for Vote Maori Affairs and Vote Treaty Negotiations was presented
The following bills were drawn from the Members’ bills ballot and introduced:
Electronic Data Safety Bill (Clare Curran)
Summary Offences (Possession of Hand-held
Lasers) Amendment Bill (Cam Calder)
Following Question Time MPs are scheduled to debate the third reading of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Amendment Bill and the second reading of the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill.
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