A Western Shoshone Tragedy Vs Nevada Millionaire Rancher
The Sword of Injustice: A Western Shoshone Tragedy Vs Nevada Millionaire Rancher Cliven Bundy
By Vincent L.
April 20, 2014
Wow, I am always puzzled at how lucky some people are as apposed to others. Presently, a lot of media fanfare and armed militia have come to the aid of rancher "Cliven Bundy." It seems that they have helped him win the day. Or, so it would seem at least for now.
Currently, his brothers in arms have successfully stopped the confiscation of his cattle by U.S. Federal Agents and the Bureau of land Management (BLM) authorities. Heck, he even got his cattle returned to him after they had him dead to rights grazing cattle for 20 years on land he did not own. Amazing! That's what I call one lucky SOB! Although, my intuition tells me the FED will soon get their money in full.
Call me Curious George. Now that Bundy got his cattle back, will the Koch Brothers quietly come to his aid and pay his fines for him? Or, perhaps some other filthy rich fat cat such as Sheldon Adelson? Will they both gallop in on their white horses with cash registers in their saddlebags? If so, expect a lot of future political posturing to be exploited out of this ordeal. Stay tuned for that GOP goodie. Hmmm, I would sure love to be a fly on the wall at the Bundy ranch when this all plays out.
Imagine that! A Federal hotplate was in the "on" position (with white rancher frog in pot) slowly simmering in the courts for 20 years. Then suddenly -- for no apparent reason -- Federal boots appeared on the ground in Nevada going after poor Mr. Bundy for repeatedly refusing to pay the Department of Interior money he owes to the tune of one million dollars for grazing his cattle on public land.
And, although I admit, I'm no fan of the BLM or the FED; something doesn't fit. To me, this whole Bundy affair seems more like a square peg being forced into a round hole for reasons not yet known. It almost seems staged... I do not know. Regardless, I feel a real sense of injustice when I compare the Bundy ordeal to a much worse incident that occurred 11 years ago to an honorable Western Shoshone family who fought a much worse battle and lost much, much more.

Indeed, such was the case with Western Shoshone Tribal members Carrie and Mary Dann. I admit, this is personal for me. I say this because my parents knew the Dunn family. And my father, Anthony Guarisco, was especially close to Clifford Dunn and many other Native Americans when he organized protest events at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) back in 1991.
Unfortunately, the Danns did not have the devil's luck, like Mr. Bundy. Nope, they had no merry band of gun toting militia to help them out. Nor did they have any politicians in their pocket on their side of the isle. Sadly, just like most other honorable Native American citizens throughout history trying to live their lives in peace on their ancestral land, they got screwed without a kiss.
And just why is that? How do some frogs beat the slow boiling pot scenario more than others? Is a white rancher frog somehow more heat resistant than those of color? Truth or consequence -- is this some weird "pot" high that reeks of unfairness? What gives?
FYI, back in 1973, and in direct violation of the Ruby Valley Treaty of 1863, U.S. Government goons relentlessly ordered the Dann sisters off their land near Crescent Valley, Nevada -- not far from where the Bundy ranch is located. Boldly, the brave Native American sisters stood their ground and, in 1979 (at a time when bucko corporate money filled bureaucratic pockets wanting to exploit the land for mining, etc.), the U.S. Government attempted to buy them-off, offering pennies on the dollar to abandon their claim to their sacred land. In fairness of Native American customs, it was even put to a vote.
And the verdict was crystal clear. Over 80% of the Western Shoshone refused to take the deal. Furthermore, the Western Shoshone rightfully demanded the treaty of 1863 be upheld and honored; and it was upheld by the United Nations and to this day, the United States (in direct violation) refuses to acknowledge it.
It begs many questions: Since when did Shoshone land become property of the U.S. Government in violation of the U.N.?
Why does the Government continue to falsely claim ownership of this ancestral Native American land, when it is not theirs?
What gives the U.S. Government the right to charge anyone anything when they do not own it?
This and many more questions need to be answered.
Perhaps this is a good time to note that Mr. Bundy said he believes the Federal Government does not own the land his cows have grazed on. I agree. He also asserts this land belongs to the State of Nevada. Well, since the U.N. agrees this land belongs to the Western Shoshone, perhaps rancher Bundy should pay his rent to the legal owner where his cows go moo -- to the "Western Shoshone."
Also, Mr. Bundy's son declared "this is how the west was won." Well, let's set the record straight here and now: I think most of us with half a brain already know the west was conquered by blood thirsty animals that brutally killed Indians and stole their land. And, it's also worth noting they enslaved many others with their barbaric human trafficking.
As I said before, the Dann sisters were NOT nearly as lucky as Mr. Bundy. In 2003, Federal agents conducted a series of raids on the Dann ranch. They came in full force with helicopters, ATVs, and men on horseback and these brutes confiscated/stole over 500 horses and many, many cattle without any legal authority to do so.
During the last raid, in a final act of desperation, Elder Clifford Dann poured gasoline on himself and lit the match thinking his self-emulsion might stop the thieving federal agents. Nope. Not on that day. Not ever. They barely skipped a beat. They quickly put the fire out, arrested him, and continued the raid unabated. In the end, the Federal government levied a hefty $3 million fine on the Dann sisters and kept their horses and cattle, never to be returned. Are you paying attention Mr. Bundy? This was a repeat lesson of how the west was won.
Don't take my word for it.
Simply ask any Native American Indian. And, if you really want to know the real scoop of over 200 years of constant injustice, have a chat with any member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). Be it Wounded knee, the Trail of Tears, or the massacres at Pine Ridge, et al ... take your pick, the evidence is overwhelming.
As a final note, then, of course we have Senator Harry Reid. He sure loves to insert his foot in his mouth. He recently gushed on the public airways that the militia that helped Bundy are "domestic terrorists..." Well, perhaps the good Senator should know the history of his own home state and discover who the REAL terrorists are? For if he did, he would already know who stole Western Shoshone land, who continually harasses them and others. Perhaps Harry should point his terrorist finger in a completely different direction at those more deserving. Or, perhaps he will keep spouting-off to witness himself igniting the second American revolution in the State of Nevada.
Vincent L. Guarisco is a freelance writer from Arizona, a contributing writer for many web sites, and a lifetime founding member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans. The 21st century, once so full of shining promise, now threatens to force countless millions of us at home and abroad into a dark abyss of languishing poverty and silent servitude; a lowly prodigy of painful struggle and suffering that could stream for generations to come. I'm wishing for a miracle, before it is too late, the masses will figure it out and will stand as one and roar. So, pass the word -- it's past time to take back what is ours -- the American Dream where the pursuit of happiness, the ability to live in a free and peaceful nation is a reality. We bought it, and we paid for it. It's time to take it back.