Launch of Nicky Hager book: Dirty Politics
Launch of Nicky Hager book: Dirty Politics
By Anne Russell
13, 2014
Approximately 300 people gathered at Unity Books this evening for the launch of Nicky Hager’s new book Dirty Politics: How attack politics is poisoning New Zealand’s political environment.
The book details the extent of political dealings between the Key administration and members of the right-wing blogosphere. Hager reveals that certain media events that appeared to be isolated instances of scandal were in fact part of a systematic effort by National to create political smears against their opponents.

Hager discussed a ‘two-track’ strategy of the government’s political presentation; on the one hand characterising John Key through the media as a personable man who is ‘above politics’, but on the other hand working with political allies and proxies to discredit National’s opponents. In particular, Hager focuses on bloggers such as David Farrar and Cameron Slater, including the latter’s collaboration with senior prime ministerial advisor Jason Ede.

Audio of publisher Robbie Burton, Hager’s daughter Julia Wells, and Nicky Hager.
Click a link to play audio (or right-click to
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MP3 format or in OGG format.
Audio of Nicky Hager Q+A with media.
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