Accusations About Palmyra Looting Not Proved
Accusation claims Syrian and Russian
troops are looting Palmyra!
Troops Looting Ancient City Of Palmyra, Says
Archaeologist.” So shouted the highly respected UK
Guardian’s headline of June 1, 2016 on the eve of
the opening day of this month’s two-day Berlin Convergence
attended by more than 170 scientists, archaeologists,
architects and planners. The gathering of experts was
convened to discuss how best to preserve Syria's, and our
heritage, despite the five-year-old war that has killed more
than 280,000 people and has also resulted in serious damage
to our globally shared Cultural Heritage.
Within minutes
the UK Daily Mail and AFP followed suit and ran a
similar hyped and dramatic story without questioning the
accuracy of the presented claims. Within hours the
accusations ricocheted widely around the Internet saturating
this little planet or ours.
What gave the story initial
credibility was that it came from the lips of the highly
respected German archeologist, Dr. Hermann Parzinger,
President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and
former President of the German Archaeological
Some excerpts from Dr. Parzinger’s media
briefings in Berlin:
• “Syrian regime and Russian
troops are looting the ancient city of Palmyra just
like the Islamic State jihadis who controlled it until
March, 2016 ...Their soldiers are conducting illegal
excavations and are looting the UNESCO World Heritage
• Writing in the Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung, while conceding that the retaking of Palmyra was “an important victory for our cultural heritage” (Dr. Parzinger’s words), he continued: “Despite the liberation, we shouldn’t act like everything is alright now. And this victory has not made Bashar al-Assad and his backers the saviors of cultural heritage”.
The accuser
• “Assad’s soldiers too plundered the
ruins of Palmyra before the Isis takeover, and their rockets
and grenades indiscriminately pounded the antique columns
and walls when this promised even the slightest military

The above photo taken on 6/22/2016 by this observer illustrates how during their 8 month occupation, ISIS jihadists, often high on the drug captagon would“shoot up” the ruins. Sometimes coming close to toppling some of the columns with their Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG’s). How to fix the column shown above is beyond this observer’s knowledge. ISIS also left behind much graffiti to be discussed subsequently by this witness as it offers probative insights into ISIS’ lack of knowledge about Islam.
• Speaking again to media, Dr.Parzinger insisted that Syrian troops, when they are off-duty, “are conducting illegal excavations” and “have looted the UNESCO World Heritage site”.

A Syrian government army officer guards the Temple of Bel. Palmyra’s archeological treasures area were damaged, but not decimated, as some have erroneously claimed, by Isis in October 2015. The entire area of the ruins since the liberation of Palmyra in March, 2016 has been very tightly guarded and protected by Syrian forces. It awaits restoration. My investigatory inquiries, aided by trusted friends and archeologists not involved in politics and some of whom this observer has known for four years and who are today working on the scene revealed no looting by government forces or by anyone else. Where is the proof to the contrary on which Dr. Parzsinger bases his indictment targeting Syrian and Russians soldiers? Photograph: Valery Sharifulin/Tass
So if this observer were to challenge respected archeologist Parzsinger’s indictment, and I most emphatically do, what relevant, probative, and material circumstantial evidence can I offer dear reader to carry my own burden of proof that this respected archeologist is sorely mistaken?
One argument
focuses on the Syrian people’s deep connection with their
land, civilization and cultural heritage and their deeply
felt obligation to protect and preserve it for those who
will follow them. Their progeny.
As an American who
loves his country, misses it and expects to return before
long, I confess that our 250 year old country has not
connected with me to the same degree as 10,000 years of this
cradle of civilization seems to have with its people. I
sometimes feel a bit of remorse and I have occasionally
contemplated whether the difference one feels among the
Syria people for their past is cultural, congenital- (they
somehow acquired it from their mother’s milk), or perhaps
it’s genetic and imprinted over many millennia into the
Syrian people. I don’t know the precise cause but it’s
there and perhaps even stronger among the armed services.
“We feel a duty to protect our heritage maybe more than
not military citizens do”, according to a general who is
in charge of protecting all ruins and also the National
Museum of Palmyra. Half a dozen uniformed officers nodded
in agreement with my speculations at the meeting on this
question that took place at the Syria Army’s Command
headquarters on 6/22/2016, barely a few hundred meters from
the damaged Arc de Triomphe. My interlocutors offered
several examples of how they protect the sites and why in
their view it was not possible for any looting to be done
these days either by soldiers or anyone else.
Backing up
their testimonies in private conversations with this
observer were several non-military, non-political career
archeologists, some who have worked in the area for decades
and a couple of whom I have known for a few years during my
own work here in Syria. They explained in detail to this
observer what the army has been doing since it expelled ISIS
in mid-March 2016.Their work includes, but is not limited to
the following:
• For 30 days, accompanied by 11
explosive sniffing dogs, Syrian and Russian troops cleaned
the whole cultural heritage area, which spans several acres,
of more than 4000 booby trap high explosive
• The army also cleansed the National Museum
at Palmyra of booby-traps. And they did much more at the
museum. They literally swept out trash and debris from all
the floors and help collect, secure and box up chips of
stone from the base the 74 statues and busts whose hands and
faces ISIS had chiseled off.
• As the photo below
illustrates the Syrian army brought in its empty
ammunition crates to pack with artifacts some of which had
been quickly stashed by Museum employees just as ISIS
fighters started to arrive to Palmyra in 2015. Most of the
hidden treasures were not discovered by ISIS and are now in
safe keeping.

Photo: fplamb 6/22/2016. The Syrian Army donated empty ammunition boxes and much more, including troops labor, during clean-up at scores of locations in Palmyra, notably at the National Museum.
• As there has not been any serious
military threat at Palmyra since late March of 2016, the
Syrian army with some help from Russian forces, from
Generals to new recruits, is massively involved in what
their Commander, General X (anonymity requested) explained
in great detail to this observer. His exact words, repeated
more than once were, “Repair the
Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Infrastructure
those are our orders!” which as dear reader
is likely aware was very heavily damaged. Most roads,
including the main 160 km Homs to Palmyra highway appear now
to be in good shape. During its eight month occupation of
the area, ISIS blew up large stretches of the highways
leading from Palmyra heading west to Homs for about 10 km.
One expert pointed to the distant desert hills above the
highway and explained to this observer: “One terrorist
with medium sized artillery or even a 50 mm gun mounted on
the back of a small pickup can close the highway and keep it
closed. They did this by hiding and living in holes and
tunnels and they came out mainly to fire on any vehicle
using the highway and thus they largely prevented its
use.” As dear reader may recall even as late as April-May
the Syrian army fought ISIS along a ten km stretch of the
main Palmyra Homs highway.
• Water, electricity,
rubble removal, garbage collection, helping returning
residents, sympathetically answering their anguished
questions (about 20-30 residents are returning every week
these days) who fled to Homs and to make their houses safe
and explosive free, also mediating on occasion civil
disputes are some of the current roles of the Army, not to
mention checking structural damage to the home of returnees.
• On 6/22/2016, the first and only “supermarket”
as it is called locally (frankly it’s not quite what some
of us might think of as a supermarket…..only one room
street level/opening probably 18 ft. x 30 ft., but it sells
lots of basics-some piled high) flour, eggs, baby milk
powder, tinned vegetables, coffee, tea, plenty of fresh just
picked fruits and vegetables and plenty more formerly hard
to come goods.
• With the cooperation of the Syrian
army, Russian soldiers have opened a bakery and they
distribute free bread to all who need it.
• Soldiers
from the Syrian and Russian armies, and this American were
also at the “grand’ opening to help celebrate and the
Russian “Kids” (as some here refer to the rather young
Russian troops) bought plenty of Turkish EVES beer and Extra
Strong (9% alcohol-someone told me) Turkish beer. All
arriving from Turkey via Lebanon, I was advised given
current political Syria-Turkey tensions. The army also
guards Palmyra’s sole supermarket 24/7.
Surely dear
reader must be thinking: “Well Lamb, some of your
assertions might be interesting but of what possible
relevance or probity have they to do with criminals,
including some Syrian and Russian soldiers looting the
archeological sites?
As I once told a judge back in the
1990’s when trying to convince him of the righteousness of
my bench argument, as I whispered: “Your honor, this is
where I need your help a bit to carry my burden of proof.”
His honor just glared at me and gave me zero
understanding and ruled against my carefully constructed
But my summary conclusion regarding the charges leveled against the current defenders of Palmyra is this. Over the past few years traveling around Syria examining Syria’s Endangered Heritage I have met many regular citizens and almost as many Syrian soldiers. Coming many times from Lebanon via the Mazaa border crossing to Damascus many of the ‘checkpoint guys’ now know about this American who seems to arrive often in Syria. Frequently we chat and get to know one another, and the same has been the case around Syria. Syrian soldiers are just like all the Syrians in most respects, including their love of their country and its cultural heritage. Of course some might steal and secret a small artifact and try to sell it. I have witnessed a little of this from, for example, one lady who found a small object of some kind while digging in her family garden and offered for sale to a foreigner for desperately needed money to feed her three precious children. The foreigner declined the sale offer but gave her most of what cash he had on him at the time.
But with
those at Palmyra I very much doubt any looting is currently
going on and the reasons include the fact that out here in
the desert surrounding Palmyra, working and sleeping among
the ruins, often in the company of archeologists and other
experts, I would argue that Syria’s military has even
deepened their familial connection with their heritage.
They seem to possess an ‘‘esprit de coeur” with their
cultural heritage which surrounds us here in Palmyra.
They are also somehow like new bright students specializing
in an Archeology program. Experts here teach them a lot on
the sites, give them information and much of the history of
the sites and I dear reader I argue that the soldiers have
become passionate about protecting our shared cultural
heritage - as much as - if not more than the general public.
They have fought and died to protect and preserve it and now
they want to help prepare it for the coming restoration
Maybe it was too many hours this week in the heat
and strong desert sun, but this observer has fantasized that
if I somehow had many scholarships to hand out for people to
study archeology, not only would there be plenty of takers
among the ranks around here, but I believe many in Syria’s
army now guarding Palmyra would be stellar students.
Syrian army’s work and devotion to protect our shared
cultural heritage might be cultural, congenital, or genetic.
But it’s real.
It is my submission that the current
culture here in Palmyra, and the security posted throughout
the area, render it very unlikely that looting has been
committed here by Syrian or Russian forces.
I have no doubt whatsoever that scholar Herr Dr. Hermann Parzinger, President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, is a man of goodwill and fairness. For that reason I invite him to join me in Palmyra and perhaps bring a delegation of archeologists with him and conduct his own investigation. Palmyra is now secured. It would be an honor and pleasure to meet and learn from him.
Until then and based on my own investigation of what has been happening at Palmyra since its liberation last March, I must strongly aver that with respects to accusations targeting Syrian and Russian troops for looting Palmyra, CASE NOT PROVEN.
Franklin Lamb is doing research in
Syria and Lebanon and volunteers with the MSRCL (
and the Sabra-Shatila Scholarship Program. His latest
book, Syria’s Endangered Heritage is available on
Amazon/Kindle. He is reachable c/o