Budget 2017 - Scoop Full Coverage

Parliament Live - LIVE Video Of Budget 2017 from 2pm
The 2016 New Zealand Budget will be delivered on Thursday 25 May.
Scoop will be updating this page with Budget announcements, reaction and analysis once the Budget is released at 2pm. Hit reload to see the latest version.
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It may seem like Oliver to be so bold as to ask the Finance Minister for more gruel – but what the Dickens, Steven Joyce… is this Budget really as good as it gets?
Supposedly, the public was going to receive significant rewards – an election year lolly scramble no less – for the eight years of belt tightening that they’ve endured, and for the rundown of essential public services.
Well, what Budget 2017 delivered instead in Education and in Health were allocations barely sufficient to maintain the current levels of service delivery More>>
Businessdesk: Budget Spends Down Future Surpluses
Tax cuts for every working New Zealander, targeted to low and middle income earners, more generous assistance for families and renters, and a massive spend-up on public services infrastructure mark Finance Minister Steven Joyce’s election year Budget.
The package of changes to income tax thresholds, the Working for Families programme, and the Accommodation Supplement is the Budget’s political centrepiece and will cost $2 billion a year. More>>
- Govt forecast surpluses narrow on family package
- NZDMO lifts debt issuance by $1 billion over forecast period
- BUDGET 2017: NZ economic growth seen peaking at 3.8% in 2019
- Transport drives $32.5 billion infrastructure spend
- Tax and benefits package targets low/middle income families
- Govt targets $100M/year from closing offshore tax loopholes
- BUDGET 2017: Rail gets better part of $1 billion
- BUDGET 2017: Govt ups spending on science and innovation
- Mental health centre of govt’s social investment package
- BUDGET 2017: Crown land for house-build to cost $100M
- MARKET CLOSE: NZ shares edge up as budget, earnings dominate
- NZ dollar holds up as Joyce's budget meets expectations
- NZ dollar slips as Opec production curbs disappoint
- Transtasman - Budget 2017 – Forecasts Make Astrology Look Good
Budget Urgency: Not Much Budget Urgency
The House has gone into Urgency to deal with two pieces of legislation.
• the first reading and referral to select committee of the Care and Support Workers (Pay Equity) Settlement Bill
• the introduction and passing of the Taxation (Budget Measures: Family Incomes Package) Bill More>>
- The Scoop Team - Budget Urgency Ends
- Out-Link - Chewydata - Budget 2015 Data Visualisation
Weekend Interviews:
The Nation: Alan Johnson And Bill Rosenberg
Alan Johnson from the Salvation Army says tax changes in the budget benefit higher paid people more than lower paid... Both Johnson and CTU economist Bill Rosenberg say the increase in the accommodation supplement will lead to rent rises. More>>
- The Nation - Lisa Owen interviews Steven Joyce
Q+A: Steven Joyce Interviewed By Jessica Mutch
Mr Joyce said the election on September 23 did not play a part in designing his budget. “I know the election’s coming up, but I’m strongly of the view that, that actually, you don’t change your approach just because it’s election year.” More>>
PM's Press Conference: Businesses Over-Egg The Power Of Corporate Tax Cuts
Cutting New Zealand's 28 percent corporate tax rate is "not a panacea in the way business groups sometimes market it," says Prime Minister Bill English.
Responding to criticisms from the business community that the Budget had ignored the trend in other developed economies for lower corporate tax rates, English said New Zealand's was an unusually "comprehensive, fair" tax system. More>>
- Liana Pantaleo - PM's Press Conference 29/05/17: Two more troops?
- BusinessDesk - NZ business confidence rises in May - Alternative infrastructure financing talks making headway - NZ dollar gains vs Aussie as kiwi comes back into favour
- Questions and Answers - June 1
- Questions and Answers - May 31
- Questions and Answers - May 30
- Care & support workers’ pay equity bill passes 1st reading
- Budget 2017 - Delivering for New Zealand
- Family Incomes Package will have a big impact for Southland
- Funding boost a welcome investment for Southern DHB
- Brownlee: Speech to Public Relations Institute of New Zealand
- Investing in our Pacific communities
- Greenhouse gas emissions decline
- Kaye: $1.5 billion Budget boost for education
- $8m pay rise for community-based midwives
- Increase by DHB - $8m for Whanganui - $4m for West Coast - $53m for Waitemata - $5m for Wairarapa - $42m for Waikato - $12m for Taranaki - $6m for Tairawhiti - $31m for Southern - $21m for Northland - $7m for South Canterbury - $16m for Nelson Marlborough - $19m for MidCentral - $12m for Lakes - $14m for Hutt Valley - $18m for Hawke’s Bay - $51m for Counties Manukau - $27m for Capital & Coast - $26m for Bay of Plenty - $44m for Auckland
- $71k for 120 youth development opportunities
- Further investment in Wanaka schools
- Scheme helping to fill hard-to-staff health roles
- Budget 2017: $36.3 million for WorkSafe NZ
- Extra $6m to support communities
- $4 million to help equip Māori youth
- $30m investment in Bay of Plenty schools
- Budget 2017 invests in core services
- $240m Auckland school property investment unveiled
- After nine years, it’s the One Dollar Bill Budget
- Nats’ budget a double-crewed ambulance at bottom of cliff
- Health running on empty
- The real costs of National’s election bribe
- Kids bear the brunt of Budget
- Nats’ Budget locks in housing crisis
- Slim pickings for Pacific people in Budget
- Single Child Tax hidden in Budget
- Another fish hook in Budget costs families
- Māori land owners left in limbo
- James Shaw's 2017 Budget Response Speech
- National’s pretence of action hides a bribe for the wealthy
- Budget a disappointment for Auckland
- A waterfall of funding to destroy rivers
- New Zealand far off track on climate change
- Official advice shows rents could rise following Budget
NZ First
- Winston Peters - Budget Speech
- Budget a Ploy to Hide Crises
- Rates Rises And Kaikoura Misses Out in Budget
The Maori Party
- Budget embraces ‘communism by stealth’ - Tax relief overdue and underdone - Budget 2017 forgets that companies exist and deserve tax cut - The Budget item that is not there: superannuation costs - Accommodation supplement is fuel on the housing fire
- Widespread disappointment at company tax cut failure
- $360 million better spent on fidget spinners
- Free Press - Budget Special
United Future
Non-Parliamentary Political Reaction:
- Office of the Children's Commissioner - Budget 2017 good news for Kiwi kids - Budget 2017 provides more assurance for kids in care
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - Bill English bets on a modest carrot, big spending - Very little for business sector in Budget 2017 - ‘Kiwifail’ black hole continues to grow - Happy Budget Day: Joyce Gets His Rocket
- ActionStation - Budget shows Mental Health not a Priority - A win for RNZ, but funding boost doesn't go far enough - Healthcare funding merely cosmetic
- Greater Wellington Regional Council - Funding for replacement traction poles a big win
- Conservative Party - Budget 2017 Conservative Response
- Mana Party - Homeless Still Helpless After Budget
- Thames Coromandel District Council - Funding boost welcomed by Mercury 250 Trust
Health Sector Reaction:
- NZ Rural General Practice Network - Rural health – still on the waiting list
- Health Funds Association of NZ - Huge health funding boost welcome
- Association of Salaried Medical Specialists - Health funding falls short of what is needed - again
- YesWeCareNZ - Mental health worker: budget distressing
- Australasian College for Emergency Medicine - ACEM statement on 2017 New Zealand Budget
- NZNO - No relief for nurses or DHBs in Budget 2017
- NZ College of Midwives - Historic Win For Midwives
- Royal Australasian College of Physicians - RACP calls for health equity in all government policies
- YesWeCare.nz - Govt mental health "smoke and mirrors" dangerous
- Platform Trust - Threat of staff exodus looming in mental health & addictions
- Maternal Care Action Group - MCAGNZ - Breakdown on 2017 Mental Health Spending Doesn’t Bode Well
- Out-Link - The mental health budget: You know we can’t grab your ghost money, Jonathan | The Spinoff
Education Sector Reaction:
- NZEI - Education suffers in Budget 2017 - More than 500 principals sign open letter to Government
- NZ Kindergartens - Government fails ECE services – again
- PPTA - Education budget a timid sprinkling of coins
- NZUSA - Students miss out on increased accommodation benefit
- Industry Training Federation of NZ - Budget 2017 offers little for skills
- Early Childhood Council - Budget 2017 cuts funding for children in ECC
- Universities NZ - Te Pokai Tara - No real commitment to great universities
- Early Childhood Council - Budget 2017 cuts funding for children in ECE
- Early Childhood NZ - Early childhood education shocked but not surprised
- Tertiary Education Union - Transfer of Funds From Public to Private Tertiary Education
- Aotearoa Students' Alliance - Government Needs to ‘Grow Up’ on Students’ Welfare
Science and Tech Sector Reaction:
- Science NZ - Greater science investment to protect and grow New Zealand
- Antarctica NZ - New Funding for Antarctic Presence and Science
- Science Media Centre - $250 million earmarked for science & innovation initiatives - Budget 2017 light on science
Union Reaction:
- NZ Council of Trade Unions - The Budget; a missed opportunity to make NZ more equal
- Public Service Association - Budget "like giving a starving dog a rubber bone"
- Police Association - Budget 2017: Continued commitment to law and order welcomed - New Zealand’s mental health system is in crisis
- Child Poverty Action Group - Budget 2017: A trickle not a tide
Welfare/Poverty Sector Reaction
- Salvation Army - Budget a Step in Recognising Some Kiwis Are Missing Out
- Auckland Action Against Poverty - Lines outside WINZ show Budgets fail to address poverty - Accommodation Supplement increase is a con job - Social Investment approach is about punishment
- Child Forum - Budget 2017 puts more children at risk
- Te Pou Matakana - More funding needed for Whānau
- Community Housing Aotearoa - Budget 2017 partly delivers social investment in housing
- Caritas Aotearoa - Budget 2017 may leave ‘small town NZ’ out in the cold
- Barnardos - Public spending needs to do more for Kiwi kids
- Closing The Gap - Budget Will Not Reduce Inequality
Finance, Tax & Analysis:
- NZ Bankers' Association - Prudent Budget supports growing economy
- PwC - Budget 2017 - Something for (almost) everyone - Consumer spending a winner from Family Income - On a roll: Roads and rail the big winners
- Deloitte - Budget 2017 spread firmly across middle and lower income NZ - Corporate tax rate evades global gravitational forces - Budget 2017 reduces tax burden on innovation
- ANZ Bank - Budget 2017: An ABBA medley
- HiFX - HiFX Morning Update, May 26 2017 - NZ Budget Release - NZD little changed
- Video link - Parliament live stream
- CPA Australia - Budget spend delivers in this election year
- Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ - Budget 2017 – “More responsible than a pure lolly scramble.”
- Moody's - Moody's views on the New Zealand budget 2017
- Financial Services Council - Budget 2017 reflects robust economy and a balanced approach
- Moody's Investors Service - NZ budget highlights fiscal flexibility & shock absorption
Business Reaction
- NZ Property Institute - Property Institute underwhelmed by budget
- Property Council Of NZ - Budget report card 7/10
- Federated Farmers - Steven Joyce's Budget spend-up
- Retail NZ - Tax Adjustments Good But Should Come Earlier
- BusinessNZ - Solid Budget that could have done more to stimulate economy
- Manufacturers and Exporters Association - Budget 2017: Some positive moves but ...
- Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association - Budget could help NZ wood industry
- KiwiRail - Government commitment to rail welcomed
- NZ Recreation Association - NZRA concerned about $2M decrease in recreation spending - Budget a disappointment for NZ recreation industry
- MYOB - Positive moves and missed opportunities in Budget 2017
- NZ Forest Owners Association - Budget fails to plan for forest future
- Employers And Manufacturers Association - Solid Approach Taken for Business - Corrected Version
- Auckland Chamber of Commerce - Boringly prudent, responsible
- Civil Contractors NZ - Improvements needed in how work is contracted
- NZ Property Investors Federation - Increase will benefit low income families
- NZ Beef and Lamb - Beef + Lamb NZ welcomes Budget biosecurity investment
- Small Business Voice - The budget offers nothing for NZ’s forgotten majority
- Forest Industry Contractors Association - Budget ‘fail’ on local climate change solutions
- Conventions and Incentives NZ - Māori tourism funding boost applauded
- NZ Pork - NZ Pork welcomes Government focus on biosecurity
- Crime Prevention Group - Crackdown on dairy robbers and youth offenders welcomed
- BizDojo - BizDojo issues rally cry to founder community
- Retail NZ - Retail NZ Welcomes Aggravated Robbery Package
- Greenpeace NZ - Joyce’s Budget a “billion-dollar handout” to polluters
- Generation Zero - Generation Zero are disappointed by the 2017 budget
- Forest And Bird - Budget delivers $12 million less for native wildlife - New Zealand set to blow its carbon budget by 27%
Other Reaction
- No Pride in Prisons - No Pride in Prisons slams bloated prison budget
- Coalition for Better Broadcasting - $11.4m brings RNZ to 2012 funding levels
(Note see also pre-budget announcements below)
Lockup speech video:
Click a link to play audio (or right-click to download) in either
MP3 format or in OGG format.
The Budget Speech
Infrastructure & Economy
- Rising surpluses fund investment in our future
- $4b in new capital investment in Budget 2017
- Supporting a growing economy through innovation
- $548m for rail around New Zealand
- First tranche of City Rail Link funding
- $9.17b of capital investment for our state highways
- Initiatives for environment and infrastructure
- Budget 2017 invests $3.4m in Pitt Island Wharf
- Māori Land Service to support land owners
- More jobs in Māori tourism and regions
- $21m boost for Māori language and culture
- $1.5b boost for schools and early education
- $10.2m to improve financial capability of young NZers
- Extra help for children with additional learning needs
- $456.5m investment in school property
- $132.1m investment in tertiary education
- $434.1m to support young people in care
- $64.4m to support people into employment
- $205.4m for disability support services
- $28m boost for whānau-centred initiatives
- Health investment increases to a record $16.8b
- $224m boost for mental health
- Further support for bowel screening roll-out
Law, Order, Defence & Security
- $2b investment in law and order
- $37.2m to reduce family violence
- $46.9m to reduce burglary and youth offending
- $982m funding boost for Defence
- $81.8m for Community Corrections and prisoner rehabilitation
Art, Culture And Sport
Trade and Foreign Affairs
Earthquake Rebuild(s)
- Next steps to reducing emissions
- Conservation spending keeps growing
- $30.5m boost to fisheries management
- Funding boost to strengthen biosecurity
Other Stuff
- $7b to build better public services for a growing country
- New funding for Antarctica presence
- $8.7m for pay equity and Holidays Act initiatives
- $4.5m to explore census transformation
- $81.9m for excellent high impact science
- $40.5m for strategic science investment
Government Pre-Budget Announcements:
- Dubai Expo 2020 to bring major benefits to NZ
- Taranaki walk to support economic development
- Irrigation investment to better manage fresh water
- Several new measures to support teacher supply and quality
- $5.2m to fund more teachers in priority subjects
- $21m to Battle for our Birds
- Funding boost for New Zealand’s heritage
- Dunne: All of Government Transformation Conference
- Double crewing for road ambulance
- $303.9m for New Zealand Screen grants
- $76m for DOC tourism infrastructure
- $178m package for tourism infrastructure
- $74.6m to further grow business R&D
- $27m for marae and Māori housing
- $60 million more for Pharmac
- Coleman: Social investment approach to mental health
- Smarter public investment and services to improve lives
- Rt Hon Bill English: Pre-Budget Speech
- $68.8m support for vulnerable children
- $321m Social Investment package
- Government to allocate $11b in new capital
- Budget funds crucial South Island Transport link
- Joyce: Pre-Budget Speech 2017 to the Wellington Chamber of Commerce
- New Zealand to participate in Expo 2020 in Dubai
- $1.4b surplus in Crown Accounts to February
- Prime Minister's Speech to International Business Forum
- Speech to the Institute of Public Administration New Zealand
- Speech to Massey University and Auckland Chamber of Commerce
- 2017 Budget to be presented on 25 May
- Prime Minister’s Statement
Pre-Budget Offers: Green Party’s New Plan Puts Kiwi Families First
The Green Party has a plan to help all Kiwi kids have a great start to life, by giving parents more financial support and more flexibility at work. More>>
- TVNZ - Q+A: Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei
- Labour - Overloaded hospitals reach crisis point
- Greens - National ignoring tax advantages of property speculation
- NZ First - The Fictional Surplus And You - Budget day/deception day
- ACT - No Steven, people earning $70,000 aren’t rich pricks - Company tax the missing link in Budget debate - ACT Says the Government Should Rebate Tobacco Sellers - Budget 2017 is the Boomer Budget
- NZ Council of Trade Unions - Working people support Greens announcement
- CTU/ASMS - Vote Health needs $1.1 billion increase
- ASMS - Health budget a test of Government’s commitment
- NZNO - $2.3 billion health funding gap shows nurses' concern
- YesWeCare.nz - $1.1b for health won't help those already missing out
- Public Service Association - PSA hopes for "a budget that shows NZ has come of age" - Mental Health Poll: Govt not doing enough - Talking about tax minus the spin this Budget week
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - Budget 2017: Guide to Possible Tax Changes - Total lifetime tax bill for average NZ household $1.48m
- MYOB - Survey reveals business priorities for Budget 2017
- NZUSA - Students release Budget wishlist
- Child Poverty Action Group - Child Poverty Action Group annual Post Budget events
- Te Akatea NZ Maori Principals' Association - Support Staff need our Support
- Forest and Bird - Forest & Bird reveals extent of DOC underfunding
- Public Health Association - Action needed on poverty, housing and sustainability
- NZEI - Billion dollar boost for education so every child can fly - Overcrowded schools highlight chronic underfunding
- Barnardos - Barnardos calls for universal child payment
- Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ - Housing and healthcare the clear cut top priorities
- Child Poverty Action Group - Families must feature in Budget 2017
- Aotearoa Students' Alliance - Chance for Minister to Back Students as He Backs Corporates
- Salvation Army - Budget For Social Change Needed
- Auckland Peace Action - NZ needs a Peace Budget
- KPMG - Will today’s Budget ease New Zealand’s growing pains?
- The Policy Observatory - Budget 2017: What does “Social Investment” really mean?
- Trans Tasman - Trans Tasman's Political Pulse - 25 May, 2017
Budget: Irrigate (Good Times, Come On!)
Additional grant funding of $26.7 million over the next three years plus a capital boost of $63 million towards irrigation investments in Budget 2017 will deliver economic and environmental benefits through better use of water... More>>
- Irrigation NZ - IrrigationNZ welcomes new irrigation funding
- Federated Farmers - Irrigation investment a lifeline for provinces
- Greenpeace NZ - Govt’s “absence of a backbone” destroying NZ’s rivers
- Horticulture NZ - Irrigation investment first step towards food security
- Enviroment Canterbury - New water quality requirements on Canterbury farmers
- BusinessDesk - Unchanged nitrogen loss from dairy farms
- Greenpeace NZ - DairyNZ undermining environmental efforts of dairy farmers
- EDS - Federated Farmers attacks Mackenzie Country again
TRENZ: $178m Budget Package For Tourism Infrastructure
Tourism Minister Paula Bennett has today announced a new $102 million Tourism Infrastructure Fund which has been launched alongside $76 million in new funding for our most important tourism asset, the DOC Estate. More>>
- Businessdesk - Government chips in $178M to shore up tourism infrastructure - NZ guest nights dropped in March
- NZ Govt - International visitors projected to spend $15 billion - Budget 2017: $76m for DOC tourism infrastructure
- Greens - Tourism and conservation bump: meagre
- NZ First - National on a Roll - This Time It’s Recycling Tourism Funds
- Tourism Industry Aotearoa - Govt tourism support package a step in right direction - Actions to supercharge tourism success - Entries open for NZ Tourism Awards 2017 - Tourism’s big event starts today – TRENZ 2017
- MBIE - International visitor spend to surpass $15b annually by 2023
- Statistics NZ - Guest nights fall in March as Easter moves
- Local Govt NZ - Tourism infrastructure funding a step in the right direction
- Auckland Airport - $100,000 to support growing NZ tourism businesses - NZ fast becoming a hot ticket for high-value Indian visitors - North American visitor growth to continue
- Joint Press Release - Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand sign new partnership
- ATEED - China-NZ Year of Tourism opportunities on the horizon
- Rotorua Lakes Council - Mayor to advocate for Rotorua at annual tourism trade show
- Hawke's Bay Tourism - Largest Hawke’s Bay tourism contingent to hit TRENZ
- Kiwirail - “The Great Journeys of New Zealand” launched at TRENZ 2017
- Federated Mountain Clubs - Trampers alarmed at proposals by big tourism
- Visa - Int'l Visa cardholders contribute $2.8b to NZ economy
- University Of Canterbury - New student challenge to help Kaikoura
- Federated Farmers - Fired-up tourism infrastructure fund appreciated
- Queenstown Lakes District Council - Mayor welcomes tourism infrastructure funding
- NZ Recreation Association - Tourism Infrastructure Budget Announcement
- Destination Marlborough - Marlborough – It’s never been better
Budget: Funding Boost For New Zealand’s Heritage
Internal Affairs Minister Peter Dunne today announced funding of $8 million of operating funding over the next two years and $2.1 million of capital funding in the next year in Budget 2017 to safeguard New Zealand’s heritage collections and record of Government. More>>
Budget: Double Crewing For Road Ambulance
Budget 2017 invests an additional $59.2 million over four years to ensure all road ambulance call outs are double crewed.. More>>
- NZ Govt - New caller location system for mobile 111 calls
- NZ First - National’s Ambulance Response Limp After Years of Neglect - Theft One More Blow to Proper Funding of Ambulance
- St John - St John welcomes Government funding boost
- Unite Union - Ambulance service needs trained ambulance officers
- NZ Council of Trade Unions - Kiwis living rurally need the standard ambulance service
- Paramedics Australasia - Ambulance funding announcement a good first step, not enough
Opposed To Surpluses: ACT’s Tax Cut Plan
“ACT’s fundamental belief is that the Government should spend less of your money. The Government is currently forecasting fat surpluses. This excess revenue should be returned to the taxpayer that earned it. More>>
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - Seymour package affordable, even without cuts
Crown Accounts: Increased Taxes, Lower Spend Helps Swell Government Coffers
Increased revenue from taxes and lower expenses boosted the government's operating surplus above its forecasts in the first nine months of the financial year. More>>
- NZ Govt - Nine month accounts show surplus of $1.5b
- NZ Treasury - Gov't of NZ Financial Statements: 9 months ended 31 March
- Act NZ - Perfect storm brewing for serious tax cuts
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - Crown accounts exploding - time for tax relief
Budget 2017: $76m For DOC Tourism Infrastructure
The Government will invest $76 million through Budget 2017 on new and upgraded tourism infrastructure for the Department of Conservation as part of a $178 million tourism infrastructure package, Conservation Minister Maggie Barry says. More>>
- Businessdesk - Government chips in $178M to shore up tourism infrastructure
- NZ Govt - Budget 2017: $178m package for tourism infrastructure - Funding for sea lion Threat Management Plan - DOC & Botanic Gardens unite to fight diseases - Call to action to save threatened species
- Science Media Centre - Threatened Species Strategy - Expert Reaction
- Department Of Conservation - Threatened Species Draft Strategy
- Greens - Tourism and conservation bump: meagre - DOC plan will fail without boost in funding
- NZ First - National on a Roll - This Time It’s Recycling Tourism Funds
- Forest And Bird - DOC’s tourism money welcome, but needed for saving species - Govt’s Threatened Species Strategy given 4 out of 10 - Call for agency overhaul on eve of threatened species summit
- Deepwater Group - Seafood industry welcomes funding for endangered sea lions
- Federated Mountain Clubs - Trampers alarmed at proposals by big tourism
- QEII National Trust - New fund launched to support QEII covenantors - QEII covenantors invest millions in covenant management
- Wellington City Council - Rat monitor trial provides eradication insights
- Image 2015 - Historic Hooker Hut removed for safekeeping
Budget 2017: $74.6m To Further Grow Business R&D
Paul Goldsmith has today announced an additional $74.6 million in Budget 2017 to meet the growing demand for Callaghan Innovation’s research and development (R&D) Growth Grants. More>>
- Businessdesk - Government beefs up funding for R&D growth grants by $74.6M - NZ tech sector attracts record offshore investment
- NZ Govt - R&D loss tax credits proving popular - New guide to drive investment in tech sector
- Technology Investment Network - Investor Activity in NZ Tech Sector Continues to Intensify
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - We must be in surplus: New 'Goldsmith Grants' announced
PM's Press Conference: Myrtle Rust, Australia, And Foreign Affairs
Prime Minister Bill English smiled as he opened today’s press conference saying there are only just over two weeks until the government will announce their budget. He quickly outlined some of the budget announcements already made then went on to answer questions. More>>
Budget 2017: $27m For Marae And Māori Housing
“Our marae are the glue that binds us together, anchoring us in one place and helping shape who we are. As we have seen recently with the Kaikōura earthquake and the Edgecumbe flood, they also step up to the plate in the times of need,” says Mr Flavell. More>>
Budget 2017: $60 Million More For Pharmac
“On top of the Government’s extra $20 million next year, a further $11 million will be injected into Pharmac’s annual budget by DHBs." More>>
- NZ Govt - Pharmac deal to benefit over 33,000 people
- PHARMAC - Many to benefit from latest PHARMAC funding proposals
- Labour - Govt plays catch up on drug funding - DHBs’ big budget blowout
Lyndon Hood: The Social Investment Model, Explained
As Chairman-at-large of the National Committee for Ideas that Sounded Good at the Time, I get asked a lot about this social investment strategy lark... More>>
- Out-Link - Is ‘social investment’ just a warm and fuzzy cloak for seeking to shrink the state? | The Spinoff
$321m For 'Social Investment': Bill English Pre-Budget Speech
"...That growing economy gives us options. Improving public services, building infrastructure, and solving social problems is possible only because we’ve enjoyed sustained, solid economic growth." More>>
- BusinessDesk - BUDGET: English flags $321M social investment package - Kiwi dollar at 'pretty positive' level for exporters
- NZ Govt - Social investment approach to mental health - Smarter public investment and services to improve lives - Budget 2017: $321m Social Investment package - Budget 2017: $68.8m support for vulnerable children - New Better Public Services targets
- Labour - Mental Health waiting times a growing concern
- Greens - Government still MIA on mental health
- Barnardos - Barnardos welcomes investment in vulnerable children
- NZSTA - New Minister of Education off to a fantastic start
- AUT - Researcher welcomes Family Start Investment
- Public Service Association - Mental health crisis needs urgent action, not empty promises
- People's Mental Health Review - Promised spending on mental health fails to address neglect
- NZ Taxpayers' Union - Nothing is scarier than a Government in surplus
- KPMG - Budget ’17 will show the benefits of a return to surplus
- Public Service Association - Mental health crisis needs urgent action, not empty promises
- YesWeCareNZ - Continued Government Denial Astounding
PM's Press Conference 01/05/17: Pike River Mine Video
Today Prime Minister Bill English announced the Government are putting the finishing touches on the budget, highlighting growth and spending on infrastructure... Questions around the Pike River Mine incident dominated. More>>
- Labour - Pike River Mine families deserve more
- NZ First - Pike Contractor Gagged. Why?
- Martin Doyle - Martin Doyle Cartoon: What are the odds?
$11bn Capital Spend, New Debt Target: Steven Joyce On Budget Priorities
First, delivering better public services for a growing country – providing all New Zealanders with the opportunity to lead successful independent lives... And finally, we remain committed to reducing the tax burden and in particular the impact of marginal tax rates on lower and middle income earners, when we have the room to do so. More>>
- BusinessDesk - Rising tax take gives government more wiggle room - Joyce flags infrastructure spend
- NZ Govt - Government to allocate $11b in new capital - Budget funds crucial South Island Transport link - New net debt target of 10-15 per cent by 2025
- Labour - Where there’s smoke and mirrors, there’s Steven Joyce
- ACT - Government debt targets ignore private debt
- NZ First - More Bribes And Opportunism From National
- Greens - Billions on infrastructure – but no airport rail
- Employers And Manufacturers Association - Good progress on infrastructure investment
- Infrastructure NZ - Govt's $11bn infrastructure commitment a big step forward
- Business NZ - Priority on infrastructure that supports growth
- Wellington Chamber Of Commerce - Extra spend on infrastructure welcomed by business
- Property Council Of NZ - Property Industry welcomes $11 billion infrastructure boost
- Road Transport Forum - A welcome commitment to transport infrastructure
- Property Council Of NZ - Property Industry welcomes $11 billion infrastructure boost
- Industry Training Federation of NZ - The infrastructure boost will be powered by skills