Luncheon event at the US-New Zealand Council, Washington DC
Luncheon event at the US-New Zealand Council, Washington DC

MP' Shane Jones and Peseta Sam Lotu Iiga at US - NZ Council in Washington DC. Photo by Charles Sneiderman
Some of the closest friends and supporters of New Zealand came together for an elegant luncheon in the Council headquarters at Dacor Bacon House, a beautiful building one block from the White House. We heard an update from two visiting Members of Parliament. They are Shane Jones and Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga. Both men have impressive backgrounds and have lived in various parts of the world, including the United States. They were in a good position to explain the status of the Trans Pacific Partnership and the upcoming Pacific Island Forum.
The MP's expressed optimism the TPP will be passed, despite the present American political season. But they indicated NZ must try to broaden its trade where it can. They also noted they learned "how tight the American Presidential race is." The MP's paid a visit to a museum where they saw a small plaque dedicated to US- New Zealand military cooperation in the past, and were touched by the sacrifices made by the Americans.

The two MP's and William J. Maroni, President US - NZ Council
The President of the US - New Zealand Council, William Maroni, is doing a stellar job presenting New Zealand to the United States. He is joined by Ambassador Mike Moore, who was called "one of NZ's major resources." They make a dynamic duo together. Maybe they can give some advice to the White House residents, one block away. Oh, right - you are not supposed to interfere in the internal affairs of another country!
Connie Lawn, in Washington