TPP: 50 orgs, 2.8mil people in Stop the Secrecy campaign
Over 50 organizations, 2.8 million people, and a “” bat signal can’t be wrong!

Together, over 50 international organizations and 2.8 million people have united behind one of the largest online campaigns in history. And, make no mistake, our call to stop the secrecy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is being heard loud and clear.
Between our friends at Scoop, Daily Kos, Roots Action, Fight for the Future, and Demand Progress, and our growing list of international partners, millions of people have received our “StopTheSecrecy” message in their inboxes, news websites, and TV screens. And we’re just getting started.
As you saw earlier this week, the news coming out of Tokyo reveals that the U.S. remains intent on ramming through the TPP. If passed, we know this plan would affect our democracy, jobs, health, the environment, and the Internet. Obama has now left Japan and is currently travelling through other parts of south-east Asia to twist the arms of smaller nations negotiating the TPP.
It’s clear that they have set their cross-hairs squarely on passing the TPP’s Internet censorship plan.
To push back, we need every single person possible to help ensure our hard-hitting light projection in Washington D.C. gets bigger and brighter. We need to crank up the pressure in time for Obama’s return next week – to make sure he gets a homecoming he won’t soon forget.
And, we assure you, the pressure is building.
Each day, more support is pouring in from tech companies, civil society groups, and others in the fight to stop the TPP’s secrecy. Dozens of groups have signed on since StopTheSecrecy began, with more piling on each day. Recent additions include organizations like Piwiki, the Internet Society of New York, IT for Change, the Organic Consumers Association, People Over Politics, BankACT, the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET), Copyratul Roman, Doll Divine, Copyratul Roman, and Private Internet Access. And this was just in the last two days! You can see the FULL list of partners here.
Meanwhile, the response on social media has been incredible. Hundreds of thousands of new people have been welcomed into our movement to stop the TPP’s extreme secrecy. We want to thank everybody who dropped the campaign in their Facebook feed or RT’d our message of change on Twitter. Organizations like SumOfUs, Leadnow, ExposeTheTPP, Fight For the Future, Council of Canadians, Roots Action, Daily Kos, and many others have filled the Facebook and Twitter feeds of millions of concerned citizens.
And new signatures aren’t just coming from our homebase at Many of the groups who have signed on to have taken it upon themselves to host our petition on their website, including reddit, Public Services International, Progressive Democrats of America,, Firedoglake, Privacy & Access Council of Canada, People Over Politics, FlushTheTPP and others we may have missed! Click here for our easy-to-use embed code to host our petition on your website.
Obama is returning to D.C. soon. Our fight isn’t over yet. Please do everything you can to help us get the attention of the President, the media, and the army of unelected bureaucrats and lobbyists pushing the TPP forward. Whether your first issue is the Internet, jobs, the environment, access to medicine, or the health of our democracy (or all of the above), we need to do everything we can to stop the TPP’s extreme secrecy and open the process up to the public.
If you haven’t already, please sign on right now at:
If you’ve already signed, please help us get the word out to keep the pressure up. Imagine if all 2.8 million of us each took a few seconds to share this campaign with everyone they know. We’re counting on you:
• By emailing this URL:
Let’s crank up the pressure. Onwards!