New Service Launched
Scoop Launches SCOOP GOLD - The Scoop Team after a few sleepless nights is proud to present SCOOP GOLD, an evolutionary step forward in internet news publishing.
SCOOP GOLD is an interface to an XML database which allows users to browse through the past three years of New Zealand political history. Perhaps more importantly it will also enable us to expand the content base of Scoop to service professional news users in manners they will doubtless find very useful.
Users will notice a few references in the database to a company several Scoop staff were formerly involved with. At this stage the database remains in a development phase and consists only of material authored by Scoop founders Ian Llewellyn and Alastair Thompson prior to the launch of Scoop. New components to the content will be added in coming days - a new design too quite probably. In the meantime browse away through our very own net history.
Kia Kaha.
The Scoop Team....