Having seemingly scored the internet Scoop of the week with his pictures of BREE AT FIRST LIGHT Scoop contacted the Hobbit who scooped the world and asked him if he had any more snaps from his visit to Bree….
It turns out that he had one more, looking through an arch on the way into the square.
He was very impressed that people were so pleased with his pictures and with a little coaxing revealed he had visited Bree earlier when it was dark. It had been a very windy scary night. He had quickly snapped away a few shots before being scared away by the sounds of barking dogs. Unfortunately the photo’s were very poor quality...
Scoop replied saying Lord of The Rings fans would not mind… and with a little bit of burning you can almost make something out...

http://img.scoop.co.nz/stories/images/9910/589e33639fe73b008adf.jpeg – photo anonymous
photo anonymous
photo anonymous

http://img.scoop.co.nz/stories/images/9910/514aa30be6a1771f9e6e.jpeg– photo anonymous
…Scoop respectfully asks that these pictures be linked and not reposted… we want to test the delivery capabilities of our server and the Hobbit specificallly said he would like to know just how interested people were in his pictures...