Frodo's Hobbit House?
This photograph was taken in Wellington by the Daily Mirror. It is said to be the house of the central character of the Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins. See also... Scoop Images: Mirror Snaps Bilbo’s House [1] .
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Cup Challenger Series Results:
Dennis Connor's syndicate Stars and Stripes finished 9 seconds ahead of France's Le Defi Francais in the morning session of the first day of racing in the Louis Vuitton Challenger Series. See... Americas Cup Challenger Series Results [1] at the Auckland Front Page.
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Turnout To View Americas Cup Races:
Around 150 spectator boats turned out on Auckland's Hauraki Gulf today to watch the first of the America's Cup challenger races. See... Big Turnout To View Americas Cup Races [1] at the Auckland Front Page.
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Isn’t The Word For It
- National 37 per cent, Labour 39, ACT seven, NZ First six, Alliance 4.5. If last week we thought we were in for a tight election, this week it is looking too close to call. The left have lost their advantage and are now on the back foot. The right continue to rise. New Zealand’s second MMP election looks set to be one of the closest in the country’s history. Jonathan Hill writes. See… Tense Isn't The Word For It [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Anniversary of 87 Stockmarket Crash Unsettles
- In a coincidence that could further unsettle financial investors, this week is the 12th anniversary of the stock market crash of 1987. John Howard reports. See… 12th Anniversary of 87 Crash Unsettles Investors [1] in the Headlines wire.
Leading Pakistan Out Of The Darkness
- Chief Executive of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf began his address to Pakistan this morning bluntly: “Fifty-two years ago we started with a beacon of hope. Today that beacon is no more and we stand in darkness.” He then went on to outline his plan to bring Pakistan back to strength and vitality. See.. Full Text Of Gen. Musharraf's Speech To Pakistan [1] - for an earlier summary see.. Transcript Of Gen. Musharraf's Speech To Pakistan [2] , both in the headlines wire. For background see Scoop's coverage of last week's coup... PAKISTAN MILITARY COUP - FULL COVERAGE [3] .
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PM Calls On Maori To Get Out Of Courts Over Fisheries
- The Prime Minister today called on Maori to get out of the courts and get on with the job of sharing the resources of the Treaty of Waitangi fisheries settlement. See… Time To Get On With Sharing Resources, Says PM [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Radio Spectrum Date Announced – No Quota For Maori
- Communications Minister Maurice Williamson today announced that the auction of radio frequencies in the 2GHz band would begin on Monday November 15, 1999, without spectrum being set aside for Maori. See… Radio Spectrum Auction Date Announced [1] in the Parliament wire.
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We Thought That Was The Idea!
– As far as issues go cannabis is one that most politicians like to avoid around this time. Well that’s what Scoop thought anyway. In order to shed some light on the various cannabis policies Scoop phoned all the parties in parliament in the middle of last week and offered them the opportunity to contribute 500 words on their various cannabis policies. ACT, National, Mauri Pacific, the Alliance, the Greens, United and NZ First accepted the offer – Labour said maybe - and said they would forward the piece to us here at Scoop by 4pm today. It’s now 4.30 and guess how many we have received? One – from the Greens. And not one explanation from the rest. Scoop still hopes to bring you the policy package and will do so if and when we receive more copy. Whoever said politicians were keen to avoid the issue?
NZ To Send Eight Police
Officers To Timor
- New Zealand is to contribute eight police personnel to the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said today. See… NZ Commits Police To East Timor [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Bring Back Compulsory National Service – Peters
– Yes you heard right, compulsory national military service. Extracts from an address by Winston Peters to a public meeting at the Methodist Church Hall, Wellington Street, Hamilton. See… Winston Peters - "Bring back National Service" [1] in the Parliament wire. However Alliance leader Jim Anderton says Compulsory Military Training won't create one more job. See… NZ First's military training won't create one job [2] in the Parliament wire.
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Extra $175 Million Announced For Health
- The Minister of Health today announced an extra $175million a year would be provided to deliver better health and hospital care for New Zealanders. See… $175 Million More For Health Services [1] in the Parliament wire.
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West Coasters The Losers Over Logging Contracts
- Contracts for milling Timberlands West Coast beech forests were such a sham that a Labour-led government would not need to break them, the party says. National disagrees. Scoop's West Coast correspondent, John Howard, says West Coasters are the losers. See… West Coasters Losers Over Logging Contracts [1] in the Headlines wire.
Spending Promises Pre Election, Cuts Post Election
- “Voters should not be fooled by the Government's sudden burst of generosity. The pre-election spend-up will mean spending cuts post-election in the unlikely event National is returned,” Labour finance spokesperson Michael Cullen said. See… Spending pre-election, cutting post-election [1] . Labour health spokesperson Annette King agrees, saying election year gimmicks are flying thick and fast with the Government announcing over $200 million of new health funding in the last week alone. See… Election day looms and money is everywhere [2] . Both in the Parliament wire. However Health Minister Wyatt Creech says recent decisions to invest more in health are this Government's business as usual approach to improving health services for New Zealanders. See… Government Health Decisions Business As Usual [3] in the Parliament wire.
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INCIS Report Slams Govt – Labour
- Abject failure of ministerial and government oversight has left the police with the legacy of a half-finished, multi-million dollar computer, and the taxpayer exposed to a $75 million lawsuit, Labour justice spokesperson Phil Goff and Labour police spokesperson George Hawkins say. See… Incis report slams government [1] in the Parliament wire. ACT Leader Richard Prebble said he personally feels vindicated by the findings of the Incis report. See… Prebble Vindicated by Incis Report [2] . New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters is urging further Government action to sort out the INCIS and CARD debacles. See… INCIS—A Serious Blow to Crime Fighting [3] .
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Action Plan To Secure Sea Birds Return
- An action plan to secure the future of New Zealand's migratory seabirds was presented to the Welcome Back the Birds gathering at Miranda near Thames on Sunday. See… Action needed to secure future of migratory birds [1] in the General wire.
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National’s 10 Point Health Action Plan
- National says they will continue to build stability, certainty and public confidence in the country's health and disability system so that all New Zealanders feel secure about their health services. See… National's Ten Point Health Action Plan [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Move To Curb Antibiotic Abuse – Kedgley
- Officials must move swiftly this week to curb agricultural use of antibiotics, Green Party Health Spokeserperson Sue Kedgley said. Otherwise, medical advances of the past 50 years could be undermined by farming practices. See… Officials must curb antibiotics, Greens say [1] in the Politics wire.
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Magic Margarine Launched In NZ
- A revolutionary new margarine spread, which can lower cholesterol by 10 per cent in just three weeks, has been launched in New Zealand. See… Revolutionary Spread Offers New Hope [1] in the General wire.
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ACT: A Fairer Justice System
- Crime, and particularly violent offending, is of great concern to New Zealanders. We no longer feel safe in our homes or on the streets. The balance of the justice system appears to be in favour of criminals… See… ACT: A Fairer Justice System [1] in the Parliament wire. ACT Leader Richard Prebble said his Party would re-table the petition signed by 271,223 New Zealanders following the murder of Owaka teenager, Kylie Smith. See… ACT Wants Parliament To Reconsider Smith Petition [2] , also in the Parliament wire.
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RSPCA Launches System To Discourage Battery Eggs
- The RNZSPCA has today launched an accreditation scheme to encourage cage egg producers to change to barn production to reduce and ultimately phase out this cruel but commonly used method, often called the battery system. See… RNZSPCA Launches New Egg Accreditation Scheme [1] in the General wire.
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Labour Launch Science Policy
- Labour's science policy, released today, is a pillar of the party's plans for developing the knowledge economy, says Labour science spokesperson Mark Peck. See… Labour science policy: pillar of knowledge economy [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Anderton Speech To Launch Alliance Campaign - Sunday
- This is the first day of an historic election campaign. A campaign which will see the Alliance and our people-centred policies in a new government. See… The heart of a new government [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Shipley’s Good Wishes To Peters “Unbelievable”
- Winston Peters says that Jenny Shipley's comments in the Sunday Star Times (17/10/99) that she wished him well in politics and was personally very sorry when the National/New Zealand First Coalition collapsed are simply unbelievable. See… Shipley's Regret At Coalition Collapse [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Greens Launch Community Housing Policy
- The Green Party, launching its Housing Policy today, has called for a community-owned development bank to be set up to help capitalise community housing projects. See… Green Party announces Housing Policy [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Funding To Save Rarest NZ Dolphin Rejected – Greens
- Multiple applications for government funding to research ways to save the threatened North Island Hector's dolphin - New Zealand's rarest - have been rejected, the Green Party revealed today. See… Threatened dolphin research proposals rejected [1] in the Parliament wire.
Govt Response To Defence Report
- The Government response to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee's Defence Beyond 2000 report details how the select committee's narrow strategic view would leave New Zealand unable to meet our international responsibilities, Defence Minister Max Bradford says. See… Govt Response To Defence Inquiry [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Alliance Congratulate Labour’s Maori Policy
- 'We welcome the elements in Labour's Maori policy which reflect our own, launched in August of this year,' said Alliance deputy leader and leader of Mana Motuhake Sandra Lee. See… Alliance On Labour Maori Policy [1] in the Parliament wire.
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The O’Connor / Clark Clash Over Native Logging
- Labour's claims that the recent signing of beech contracts has been done secretly doesn't stack up -when their own West Coast MP Damien O'Connor was attempting to facilitate the signing of contracts in letters he sent as far back as May,” says Associate Food and Fibre Minister, David Carter. See… Helen Clark's integrity questioned [1] in the Parliament wire.
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- The Auditor-General says the spending on a training course by WINZ, which included chartering planes, was a one off. See the fallout in the parliament wire.
Nationals Environmental Record Ruined By
Logging / Contracts
- The National government's environmental record has been severely blotted by its endorsement of SOE Timberlands West Coast's actions in rushing through logging contracts over West Coast beech forests according to the Forest and Bird Protection Society. See… Huge Timberland's Blot on Nats Environmental Record [1] . The Environment and Conservation Organisations (ECO) have called on the Government to sack the Timberlands Board and CEO Dave Hilliard for entering into beech logging contracts for forests they do not have resource consents to operate in. See… Timberlands Board and CEO should be sacked [2] . Both in the Politics wire.
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Jesus Christ Tells Fox News He Wants To Hug The World
- One of the most extraordinary documentaries this Scoop has ever seen was broadcast on TV2 last Thursday night. The documentary ‘Signs Of God - Science Tests Faith’ from Fox News was broadcast live on October 13 in Los Angeles. See the review of this extraordinary piece of television. See… Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Week Three: Beware - Cliffhanger Election Looming
- Week three of the election campaign was again dominated by tertiary education, though this time not for the debate over policy. The week was also significant as a TV3 CM Research poll showed the gap between the two main parties closing, thus reinforcing the need for the left to make electoral accommodations in key seats. However announcements from two candidates in two crucial seats this week shows no such plans are in the pipeline. See… Week Three: Beware - Cliffhanger Election Looming [1] in the Headlines wire.
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The Indonesian Threat To Australian Security
- Australia fears an East Timor invasion, not from pro-independence militiamen, but from pesky insects, snails and weeds. John Howard reports. See… The Indonesian Threat To Australian Security [1] in the Headlines wire.
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No More
- Fledgling commuter airline City Jet is back up and running this morning following being grounded on Thursday last week by the CAA.
Tertiary Education
- Bradford Cancels Otago Visit, Green Policy Well Received, More Foodbanks This Summer: - Student Union Gives Green Tertiary Policy Thumbs Up - The Aotearoa Post-compulsory Student Union has applauded the intentions shown by Rod Donald and the Green Party with the release of their Tertiary Education Policy today. See… Green Policy Student Focused [1] in the Education wire. - Otago Students Glad Bradford Cancels - Despite having never had the opportunity of speaking to a Minister of Education, students at Otago University are breathing a sigh of relief that Minister for Tertiary Education, Max Bradford, has cancelled his scheduled appearance at Otago University. See… Students Relieved Bradford Not Coming! [2] in the Education wire. - More Student Foodbanks This Summer – NZUSA - University students associations are looking at establishing food banks again this summer to cope with the number of students no longer eligible for the Community Wage-student due to government restrictions. See… Student food banks – a summer reality again [3] in the Education wire.
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NZ To Attend CMAG Meeting on Pakistan
- New Zealand's former Attorney General and current High Commissioner to London Paul East will represent Foreign Minister Don McKinnon at a special meeting of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) in London on Monday. See… NZ to attend CMAG meeting on Pakistan [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Tariffs Reduced For Dairy Exports To Venezuala
- Food and Fibre Minister and Associate International Trade Minister John Luxton today welcomed the moves from Venezuelan customs to reduce the tariff on New Zealand's dairy exports to Venezuela. See… Luxton Welcomes Venezuelan Dairy Breakthrough [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Labour Ignored Warnings Over Native Logging Contracts
- Claims by Labour that they did not know contracts for future native forest logging were being negotiated shows the party failed to heed a number of warnings from a number of organisations that this was occurring. See… Labour Ignored Warnings About Logging Contracts [1] in the Headlines wire. Today the Greens said West Coast Labour MP Damien O'Connor is undermining his own leader Helen Clark over beech logging contracts. See… O'Connor undermines Clark on beech forest contract [2] in the Parliament wire.
Ryall Trying To Sabotage Forest Policy – Labour
- State Owned Enterprises Minister Tony Ryall's attempts to sabotage Labour's indigenous forests policy with a series of childish ankle-taps raise further questions of political collusion between National and Timberlands West Coast, says Labour's forestry spokesperson Pete Hodgson. See… Collusion? Again? [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Cullen Threatening Civil Servants ‘Outrageous’ –
- State Services Minister, Simon Upton, condemned Labour deputy leader Michael Cullen's willingness to threaten public servants as ‘outrageous’. See… Vengeful Cullen Needs To Learn His Place [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Peck To Persist With Pardons Bill
- Invercargill MP Mark Peck vowed today to continue his campaign to obtain pardons for New Zealand soldiers who were executed by firing squad during WW1 for mutiny and desertion. See… Peck will proceed with pardons bill [1] in the Parliament wire.
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More Troops To Timor
– One hundred and thirty Kiwi troops left New Zealand for East Timor this morning. Seventy four left Ohakea to acclimatise and train in Darwin before heading to Dili and the rest, members of the battalion's reconnaissance team, left at 10am on a Hercules. The Governor General fareweled the troops.
Reneging On Beech Contracts A Worry – Dunne
- United New Zealand leader, Peter Dunne, says Labour's decision to renege on West Coast beech contracts sends a dire warning about the sanctity of the rest of its policy commitments. See… First The Beech Contracts … Now What's Next? [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Election Kickoff Clash
- Both Labour and National will formally begin their election campaigns on the same day in the same city. National will launch its election campaign at Eden Park in Auckland and Labour will launch it’s campaign in the Auckland Town Hall. Both on the 31st October.
Labour Missing Point Over Coalitions –
- Labour leader Helen Clark is missing the point completely when she says United cannot claim to be a centre party if it rules out working with Labour, says United New Zealand leader, Peter Dunne. See… Helen Clark Misses The Point [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Pilot’s Union Recommends Pilots Sign Ansett Contract
– The month long Ansett lockout looks to be over with the pilot’s union advising members to sign the latest offer from Ansett. The Airline Pilots Association President, Noel Bamber said the company, which is owned by NewsCorp was prepared to lose a lot of money over the bitter industrial dispute. Foreign pilots were in training to take the jobs in New Zealand.
All Blacks Thrash Italy
– The All Blacks thrashed Italy 103 – 3 last night with Jonah Lomu scoring two tries and Jeff Wilson scoring three. Samoa beat Wales 38 – 31 and are through to a playoff for a semi final berth. Australia beat the US 55 – 31 with the US scoring one try.
Peters Shocked IRD is Closing 12
- New Zealand First Leader, Winston Peters, is shocked to learn that the Inland Revenue Department has concealed plans to close 12 of its branches from a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry. See… IRD Close Twelve More Branches-Peters. [1] in the Parliament wire.
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McKinnon Very Disappointed At Test Ban Treaty Failure
– “Very disappointed” was Don McKinnon's reaction to the news that the United States Senate has voted against ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. See… McKinnon Disappointed at Failure of Nuke Ban [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Canterbury Mega-Dump First of Many
- The proposed Canterbury mega-dump will be the first of many around New Zealand if the government does nothing to halt businesses dumping waste, the Green Party says. See… Canterbury mega-dump first of many [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Labour To Pass Bail Legislation
- Labour will pass legislation to reverse the onus of proof in bail hearings for hard-core repeat offenders who treat bail as a licence to re-offend, despite National Government objections that the $4 to $8 million cost is too high. See… Labour's bail restrictions worth the price [1] in the Parliament wire.
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