We have a new Government! Scoop rounds up post election developments...
LAB 52; ALL 11;
NZF 6; NAT 41; ACT 9; UNZ
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ARO VALLEY PHOTO ESSAY - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00196.htm
Clark And Anderton
- The leaders of Labour and Alliance will meet today to discuss coalition arrangements. Meanwhile National MPs are surveying the damage and the blame laying will begin in earnest next week.
Dominion’s Likely Cabinet Lineup
– Dominion political reporters have guessed the liekly cabinet lineup following the weekend election. It is: LIKELY: Clark, Anderton, Cullen, Goff, Maharey, Mallard, Wilson, King, Sutton, Burton, Hodgson, Hawlins, Samuel, Swain, Dalziel, Lee, Robson, Harre. CONTENDERS: Hobbs, Peck, Dynhoven and Gosche. To see what these people have had to say over the election campaign abouth their potential portfolios see Labour's Press Statements [1] and the Alliance's Press Statements [2] .
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/cgi-bin/archive/scoop/index.pl?k=113&y=1999&m=11
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/cgi-bin/archive/scoop/index.pl?k=111&y=1999&m=11
What Next? Something Called The Third Way
- During the election campaign few journalists or political commentators picked-up on Helen Clark's comments about the “Third Way”. So what is the “Third Way” which America's Clinton, Britain’s Blair and Germany's Schroeder have been following. Scoop’s John Howard reports. See... So Just What Is The Third Way? [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00207.htm
On Line Sex Comes To New Zealand
- Just when you thought the full-page glossy ad for a Wellington strip bar in the Yellow Pages took the cake, the seedy side of the internet has now infiltrated godzone. See... On Line Sex Comes To New Zealand [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00211.htm
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00209.htm
HOW IT UNFOLDED: Labour Alliance Win With 63 Seats – Greens Wilting
- Labour and Alliance have won on election night in a large swing to the centre-left, but the Greens have lost Coromandel and on 4.82% remain agonisingly close to electoral oblivion. In the end Murray McLean kept Coromandel – for another three years on top of the 50 National have already held the seat. His majority of 114 looks a little vulnerable. The Greens will not be happy about the 4000 odd votes won by the Labour candidate in the seat Margaret Hawkeswood. Labour and the Alliance make it comfortably into the treasury benches with Labour’s vote rising in the closing hours to close to 39%. With 63 seats Labour and the Alliance have a clear majority. See also…NZ First And Greens On The Ropes [1] and Coromandel Critical As Labour Set For Victory [2] in the Headlines wire.
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- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00202.htm
Will A New Chapter In History Be Worth Reading?
- On the eve of this our last election before the new millennium, I am reminded of the words of Martin Luther King who said "I have a dream." In the spirit of those words and from my heart, I hope tomorrow as we vote, we think about realising a dream for our country. John Howard writes. See... Will The New Chapter in History Be Worth Reading? [1] in the Headlines wire.
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ELECTION 1999: Voting In The Dark
- The state of democracy in New Zealand looks shot to bits as, only four days out from a general election, nearly half of all voters do not understand how our electoral system works and forty per cent are unaware they will also be required to vote on changing our democracy and our justice system. What kind of election is this if not the most ignorant in this country's history? Jonathan Hill writes. See... ELECTION 1999: Voting In The Dark [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00169.htm
The Battle Of Seattle - 50,000 Protestors at WTO Meeting
- Protestors at the World Trade Organisation summit starting in Seattle tomorrow have labelled their actions ‘The Battle Of Seattle’. John Howard reports. See... The Battle Of Seattle - 50,000 Protestors at WTO [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00210.htm
Cape Town Pizza Bomb Blast Injures 50
- Nearly 50 people were injured on Sunday after a home made pipe bomb exploded in a busy Cape Town pizza restaurant in the tourism heart of South Africa. See... Cape Town Pizza Bomb Blast Injures 50 [1] in the Headlines wire.
Vanuatu Tsunami
Kills Five
- An ocean-centred earthquake measuring 7.1 on the richter scale has sent a giant wave crashing over parts of Pentecost Island in Vanuatu about 1.10am Saturday killing at least five people. John Howard reports. See... Vanuatu Tsunami Kills Five [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00197.htm
Latest From Timor
- In amongst the burned out rubble-strewn streets of Dili, a team of local labourers - men and women - slowly, but diligently clear up the mess. A World Vision food for work scheme feeds a family and cleans a city. See... James Addis Reports On Dili, East Timor [1] in the Headlines wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL9911/S00190.htm
Upton On Line
– The Post Election Chill
- Upton-on-line found himself in a very long line at Kelburn Primary School late on polling day. Voting for Dr Paul Hutchinson in Port Waikato and National on the list proved a tricky business since the voter ahead in the queue used up the last envelope ... See... Upton On Line - Post Election Chill [1] in the Parliament wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA9911/S00626.htm
Greens May Be Down – But Not Out Yet
- Green Party co-leaders Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald say special votes may push the party across the five per cent threshold and give it victory in Coromandel. See... Special votes will determine Greens' success [1] in the Parliament wire.
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The PMs Concession Statement
- Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said tonight, it was clear New Zealanders believe it is time for a change. See... National Accepts Voters' Choice For Change [1] in the Parliament wire.
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ACT Complaint against Chief Electoral Officer
- The ACT Parliamentary office has received communication from a voter who lost his democratic right to vote because of inaccurate information given out by the Chief Electoral Officer Phil Whelan. See... ACT Complaint against Chief Electoral Officer [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Future Brighter Say Students
- APSU Student Union and the New Zealand University Students Association (NZUSA) are looking forward to an education friendly government according to the decision of the General Election on Saturday. See... A Change For The Better [1] in the Politics wire. See also... Future Looking Brighter [2] and See... Election Result Means Fairer Loans System [3] in the Education wire
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9911/S00190.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/ED9911/S00054.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/ED9911/S00055.htm
Forest And Bird Happy With Result
- Conservationists are delighted with the election outcome as they claim it gives the Labour/Alliance coalition a mandate to end the logging of West Coast rainforests by Timberlands West Coast. See... Election result great news for forest conservation [1] in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9911/S00186.htm
Insurance Council Encourage Labour to resist Alliance
- Following the announcement today that the new Accident Insurance business is now costed at $458 million the Insurance Council has encouraged Labour in the new coalition government to resist Alliance pressure to reverse accident insurance. See... If It Ain't Broke Why Fix It [1] in the Business wire. See also... Insurers’ caution new government [2] in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU9911/S00107.htm
- http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9911/S00189.htm
NZ Trade Union Federation Pleased With Result
- The NZ Trade Union Federation is pleased with the result of Saturday's election said its President Maxine Gay. See... Election Result Pleases Trade Union Federation [1] in the Politics wire.
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Democracy tainted by prohibition, say Cannabis Party
- Labour is expected today to call for a Commission of Inquiry into the cannabis laws, issuing a full judicial review in order to fulfill its elected promise. “This should take the form of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission” say members of the cannabis party. See... Democracy tainted by prohibition, say Cannabis Party [1] in the Politics wire.
[1] - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO9911/S00187.htm
What The Result Means For Business
- Preliminary poll results suggest that Labour and the Alliance will be able to form a majority government without the involvement of the Green Party. Labour and the Alliance control 63 out of 120 seats.See... Deutsche Bank Research: NZ Election Results [1] in the Politics wire.
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million New Zealanders Can't Be Wrong - ACT
ACT Finance Spokesman Rodney Hide today said the big winner on Saturday night was those wanting tougher sentences for criminals and fewer MPs. See... 1.6 million New Zealanders Can't Be Wrong - ACT [1] in the Parliament wire.