Russian Submarine – CM Research Poll – David Bain – Floods – Tanker Crash – Doctors Strike
RUSSIAN SUBMARINE: Just over half an hour ago Norweigian divers opened a hatch at the rear of the Russian Submarine and found it was full of water. A British mini-sub has now been approved to dive on the Kursk. The Norweigan’s opened the hatch which the Russian’s had earlier said could not be opened. They used a special tool that they had made on the surface.
Labour has survived the Dover Samuels scandal relatively unscathed according to the latest TV3 Poll.
Labour 47 up 1 - (61 Seats)
36 up 2
Green 5 static
ACT 4 (No seats – below the
Alliance 3
NZ First 2
Preferred PM Stakes
Clark 31 down 4
Shipley 16 static
Clark in personal indicator ratings…
Capable leader 69 down
Good in cross 63 down 3
Honest 59 down 5
down 38 up 8
Should Dover Samuels get his job back.
48% said no
Should Prebble resign?
44% yes
This poll is polls apart from a TVNZ poll which found completely different results last night. But we are happy with our robust poll.
DAVID BAIN: Former detective Milton Weir was in charge of the scene following the Bain murders. A document obtained by TV3 says that Weir was concerned at the number of people who had been in the house before the scene was secured. He says 10 people had been in the address and that it was no longer pristine. Joe Karam says the new evidence is as good a corroboration he could get of what he has always thought – that the case was bungled by police. Weir has tried unsuccessfully to sue Karam for defamation. For Karam the latest files strengthens the case for Bain’s release and acquittal.
FLOODS: Selwyn Farmers are annoyed they received no earnings from officials concerning flooding on farms. Warnings were given through the media say officials they say they have given up ringing up farmers because they do not answer their phones. They say there is a website and a phone service.
TANKER CRASH: A ethanol tanker crash south of Rotorua has closed the road and led to the imposition of a no fly zone with fears the ethanol could explode.
DOCTORS STRIKE: A Junior Doctors strike begins
tomorrow. Northland doctors have refused a 9% offer of a
pay rise, the biggest increase in a decade amounting to $60
a week. Northland doctors say they think they need to
address other problems than simply pay, patient safety
issues, which unless they are addressed will only get worse.
The 20% increase would cost $800,000 and, says hospital
bosses, is unrealistic. Doctors say that pay is only part of
the issue