Get tough on crims George, not cops
Brian Neeson
National Police Spokesperson
21 August
Get tough on crims George, not cops
The call for an end to moonlighting by police is ironic coming from the Government's ultimate moonlighter George Hawkins, National Police spokesman Brian Neeson said today.
"Mr Hawkins is dictating what Police can do in their own time when he took on two highly demanding, time consuming roles himself. Mr Hawkins was well paid as the Mayor of Papakura but also took on the role as MP for Manurewa.
"This sort of double standard is outrageous and yet another example of the control this Government is trying to exert over how people live their lives.
"Instead of issuing a blanket ban on Police officers, why not review existing guidelines for Police in assessing whether an outside job is appropriate. If up to date guidelines were in place, we should avoid potential conflicts of interest yet allow Police to have interests outside of their job with the Police.
"There is no reason why every Police officer in New Zealand should be censored from legitimate outside interests simply because one officer was convicted of dealing in unlicensed cars.
"Where is this Government going to draw the line on interfering in people's lives? Mr Hawkins should take a more conciliatory approach to this issue rather than getting tough and punishing all Police officers," Mr Neeson said.