Burton moves to quash "misinformation”.
25 February 2005
Burton moves to quash “cynical opposition misinformation”.
The Minister Responsible for the Fire Service Commission has today written directly to Fire Brigades around New Zealand to counter what he describes as “cynical election year misinformation” on the part of some opposition MP's.
Mark Burton has given unequivocal assurance to Brigades that:
1. There is no plan to reduce fire appliances or services to isolated rural, or any other communities.
2. This government will not allow any cuts to appliances covering isolated rural communities.
3. It is my expectation that over time the New Zealand Fire Service Commission will achieve upgrades of vehicle replacements in order to ensure the maintenance of current levels of coverage and service and preferably to improve them.
“It is entirely understandable that local communities be concerned when faced with alarmist scaremongering. It is outrageous that any politician - however desperate to raise their profile - should raise and exploit those concerns over something as critically important as fire service coverage” , Mark Burton said.