More Councils fighting Climate Change
9 March 2005
More Councils fighting Climate Change
Increasing numbers of City, Regional and District Councils are signing up to a programme that should help them protect our environment at the same time as delivering efficiency and financial gains from taking action on climate change.
The Communities for Climate Protection programme helps councils audit their energy use, transport provisions and waste management arrangements. It then helps them draw up and implement a plan to improve efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
This approach delivers multiple benefits to the communities the councils serve. The immediate benefits are in terms of the councils becoming more efficient and reducing energy bills compared to business as usual. The long term benefits come through reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and the contribution that will make to preserving the Kiwi way of life for generations to come.
"Increasing numbers of business, individuals and councils are waking up to the need to take action on climate change and the benefits of doing so," says Convenor, Ministerial Group on Climate Change, Pete Hodgson.
"Those that face up to the reality of climate change and take steps to reduce emissions and their energy use typically become more efficient and pay lower energy bills against business as usual. They will also be contributing towards global efforts to limit the impact of climate change. I commend those bodies that are doing so through the Communities for Climates Protection programme."
Two events are being held to recognise bodies signing up or completing the audit stage of the programme. Wellington City, Kaikoura District, Masterton District, Christchurch City, Kapiti Coast District, Taranaki Regional and Carterton District councils; and Environment Canterbury, will have their progress recognised at an event in Wellington this evening. Auckland City, South Waikato District, Hamilton City, Waitakere City and Rodney District were recognised in Auckland last night.
A number of Councils are also participating in the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority’s (EECA) EnergyWise Councils Partnership and the Climate Change Office's Projects to Reduce Emissions programme.