Nats need to GET REAL on government spending
Nats need to GET REAL on government spending
Government spending as a percentage of GDP was higher under the last National Government, than it has been with the current government according to Progressive Party leader, Jim Anderton.
"National needs to get real about government spending and front up to some facts. Government spending as a percentage of GDP was higher under the last National Government than it has been with the current Labour Progressive government.
"In fact, since National was voted out in 1999, government spending as a percentage of GDP has actually dropped and at no time been as high as it was under the last National government.
"The facts show that the highest it has been under the current government was 31.9 per cent of GDP in 2003. Under the last National government it reached 42.5 per cent in 1991 and was still 41.2 in 1992 even after their outrageous cuts to the most vulnerable in our society, those living on benefits.
"National really has to start doing their homework and looking at the facts for a change. Firstly they say they're paying for tax cuts out of the burgeoning bureaucracy. Then we find out that the public service has only increased from 2.3 per cent of total workforce to 2.46 of the workforce. Next they suggest they'll pay for it from getting rid of Working for Families - which gives support to those who really need it. Now they're saying tax cuts will be incrementally introduced over a period of years.
"National needs to get the facts right before they begin to dismantle the gains New Zealand has made under this Labour Progressive government. Gains like increased teacher numbers, the best programme of support for working families this country has seen in decades, large investments in healthcare and cheaper doctors visits for all are far more important than tax cuts (yet unannounced) that benefit the highest income earners more than anyone else," Jim Anderton said.