UFNZ - Ministry of Silly Rules 1
Another Classic from
The Ministry of Silly Rules
Tari Porangi Aotearoa
A Dunedin school trustee of our
acquaintance tells us:
“Over two successive meetings our
school's board of trustees talked about the annual school
They ruled out having it near a river because there was a danger a child might drown.
They ruled out having it near a lake because of the danger a child might drown.
They ruled out having it near the sea because a child might drown.
They ruled out having it near cattle, because a child might be attacked by a bull.
They looked at having the kids pitch their tents in the school playground.
They finally opted not to have a camp at all but rather to take the kids on a day trip into the bush and taking as many parents as possible to ensure that no one slipped over a bank or broke a leg in the process.
Our friend’s comment "ludicrous, but we keep getting told we have to observe OSH rules."
What happened to the Kiwi tradition of experiencing the great outdoors, even though a measure of risk may be involved?
At United Future we reckon it is high time to bring back some common sense.