Dunne to Brash: Give me a call, Don
Dunne to Brash: Give me a call, Don
United Future leader Peter Dunne, in a spirit of helpful co-operation, today called on National’s leader, Dr Don Brash to “pick up the phone and give me a call, because we have the tax answers you’re looking for”.
Dr Brash is reported as saying as part of National’s secret tax change proposals that “it would review the whole area of family taxation, in particular the pressures on single-income families…..”
Mr Dunne said “United Future for the past three years has been promoting income-splitting for tax purposes, a measure that is specifically targeted at just such families.
“When you add that policy to United Future’s other tax plans, such as making the first $3000 of earned income tax free, and removing GST from household rates, then it can be seen that National’s review has already been done and United Future is happy to make its policies, costings and research available to Dr Brash in order to speedup the process.”
Mr Dunne said United Future’s tax proposals would result in savings of many thousands of dollars a year to young couples struggling to provide for their families.