Another drop in Maori unemployment
Hon Parekura Horomia
Minister of Mäori Affairs
12 August 2005 Media Statement
Another drop in Maori
unemployment –
Government must be doing something
Minister of Māori Affairs, Parekura Horomia is delighted to see a further fall in the Maori unemployment rate in the June 2005 quarter according to the Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) released today.
"The latest
quarter's rate of 8.6% is equivalent to 17,000 Maori
unemployed out of a Maori labour force of 197,000. So in
other words, 180,000 or 91.37% of all Maori in the labour
force are working. Doesn't quite equate with the "doom and
gloom" picture opposition parties are doing their best to
paint of Maori.
The annual average unemployment rate for
Maori over the year to June 2005 was 8.7%, equal with the
rate over the year to March 2005, which was the lowest
annual average rate since the HLFS began in 1986. It is
lower from 9.5% over the year to June 2004, and much lower
than the all-time peak of 26.0% over the year to June 1992.
The latest year’s annual average rate of 8.7% is equivalent
to an annual average 17,400 people unemployed out of an
annual average labour force of 200,800.
"At this year's Hui Taumata it was made clear that the path for Māori from dependency to development is through education, employment and enterprise; that Māori would continue to steer their own economic development; and that the primary responsibility for successful Māori development now lies with Māori. Maori are responding to that challenge, and the declining number of unemployed Maori demonstrates this commitment.
"This government shares that commitment. We have a unity of purpose and we are all focused on the contribution that Māori make to a strong and growing economy.
Hon Parekura
Minita Tuarua mo Te Mātauranga
12 Here-turi-kōkā 2005 Pānui Pāpāho
Kua heke ano te maha o ngä Mäori kaore i
te whiwhi mahi
Te ähua nei kei te tika ngä whakahaere a
te Käwana
E koa ana Te Minita mo Ngä Take Mäori a
Parekura Horomia ki te kite kua heke ano te maha o ngä Mäori
kaore i te whiwhi mahi, i roto i te marama o Hune 2005, he
ai ki te pänui a Ngä Titirohanga a Te Ope Mamahi Käinga
[Household Labour Force Survey] i pänuitia i te ra nei.
He ai ki ngä pänui o inaianei mo tënei koata o te tau, arä, 8.6% e örite ana ki te 17,000 ngä Mäori kaore i te whiwhi mahi mai i te 197,000 o ngä Mäori kei te whiwhi mahi. E whakaatu mai ana tënei, 180,000, ä, 91.37% ränei o te katoa o ngä Mäori e whiwhi mahi ana. Kaore tënei i te örite ki ngä körero whakaparahako e peitatia ana e ngä röpu äpitihana mo te iwi Mäori.
1 Ko te kohinga mo te tau mo te hunga Mäori kaore i te whiwhi mahi ki te marama o Hune 2005, e 8.7%, arä, e örite ana ki tëra o te tau ki te marama o Maehe 2005. Ko tënei te iti rawa atu o ngä kohinga-a-tau mai i te timatatanga o Ngä Titirohanga a Te Ope Mamahi Käinga i te tau 1986. He iti ake i te 9.5% o te tau ki te marama o Hune 2004, ä, he tino iti ake i töna tino teiteitanga o te 26.0% ki te marama o Hune o te tau 1992. E örite ana te kohinga-a-tau o inaianei, arä, te 8.7% ki te kohinga-a-tau o te 17,400 e kore mahi ana, ki te kohinga-a-tau o te 200,000 tangata e whiwhi mahi ana.
I te Hui Taumata o tënei tau, i whakamäramatia, ko te huarahi mo te Mäori mai i te maurutanga ki te whanaketanga, ko te whakaakoranga, te whiwhi mahi me te hinonga. Kia riro tonu ma te Mäori e ärahi o rätou ano whanaketanga whai hua, ä, ko ngä kawenga mo te whiwhi a te Mäori i te angitu i roto i äna ano whanaketanga, kei runga ano hoki i te iwi Mäori. Kei te whakautu te Mäori ki tënei wero, ä, na te mimiti haere o te maha o ngä Mäori kaore i te whiwhi mahi i whakaatu mai to rätou pono ki tënei kaupapa.
He pënei ano hoki te pono a tënei Käwana ki tënei kaupapa. Kotahi tonu te kaupapa e whäia nei e mätou, ä, e titiro hängai ana mätou ki te whai wähi mai a te Mäori i roto i te pakaritanga me te püäwai haere tonu o ngä whakahaerenga moni a tënei Käwana.