Kakapo Hatch a Name 2005 Competition Winners
7 September 2005
Kakapo Hatch a Name 2005 Competition Winners
Conservation Minister Chris Carter is pleased to announce the winners of a national competition among school children to name New Zealand's four new kakapo chicks.
They are:
- Jade Cassidy (8yrs) of Sunnynook Primary School in Auckland, who chose the name Pounamu because it means 'precious jewel'
- Yasmeen Musa (9yrs) of Waihopai School in Invercargill, who chose her own name Yasmin, which means flower in Arabic
- William Hewitt (15yrs) of Verdon College in Invercargill, who provided a compelling whakapapa for his winning entry Pura
- Kate Stretton (12yrs) of Rangiora High School in North Canterbury, who chose the name Kumi because it means fabulous creature.
“The Kakapo Hatch a Name 2005 Competition is a partnership between the Department of Conservation, Comalco New Zealand, the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society, and the Threatened Species Trust. It is designed to raise conservation awareness among children," Mr Carter said.
"Over 2000 kids entered the competition, evidence of the enthusiasm many young New Zealanders feel for the rare and beautiful species that live in our country. I hope this enthusiasm grows into a life-long interest."
Each of the competition winners will get the chance to visit the kakapo chicks they have named on Codfish Island (Whenua Hou) in Southland. They have also won $1500 for their school provided by Comalco New Zealand, and membership of the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society’s Kiwi Conservation Club.