Maori TV must smarten up its employment procedures
29 September 2005
Maori TV must smarten up its employment procedures
Green Party Maori Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei is calling on Maori Television to reinstate presenter Julian Wilcox and improve its employment practices.
"I'm deeply concerned that the Maori TV management has developed a 'sack first, ask questions later' attitude towards its employees," Mrs Turei says. "It's time for management to smarten up its act, before it gives opponents of Maori TV more ammunition to throw at this vitally important broadcaster.
"Presenter Julian Wilcox was fired for disloyalty to Maori TV, even though he has consistently denied any wrongdoing and no conclusive evidence was found incriminating him. It seems that management has developed a tendency to fire staff on a whim, without engaging them properly in dispute-resolution processes.
"Maori TV management needs to improve its employment processes so that its staff and the public can start having confidence in its competence. Management has already been rapped over the knuckles and fined by the Employment Court for its treatment of presenter Ngarimu Daniels.
"The Wilcox affair shows Maori TV management has not learned its lesson from this Employment Court loss, but rather made a similar mistake again. I know that Maori TV has a much greater capacity than these two decisions exhibited. It's time for Maori TV's managers to pick up their game."