Labour relegates major roading projects
Labour relegates major roading projects for coalition agreement
National's Associate Transport spokesman,
David Bennett, says Labour has relegated essential roading
plans in Auckland and the Waikato to hold on to
"Labour's post-election dealings with Winston Peters led to promises of increased funding for roading projects in Tauranga. This means that the proportionality of the Auckland roading package must surely be compromised," says Mr Bennett.
"It also means that the soon to be completed Waikato package needs to be increased to maintain a balanced roading package."
The Joint Official's Group (JOG) process provides funding increases for areas deemed to have the most acute roading needs – including Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga and the Waikato.
"The JOG process has been compromised by Labour, leaving a question mark hanging over roading projects which are essential to economic growth," says Mr Bennett.
"If Labour was serious about keeping the country moving forward, then it wouldn't have relegated our most acute roading needs in Auckland and the Waikato in the pursuit of power."