Green Party mourns loss of Co-Leader
Green Party mourns loss of Co-Leader
The Green Party is mourning the sudden death of co-leader Rod Donald, who died at his home last night.
Rod, 48, brought almost superhuman energy, drive and commitment to his work, said co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons. "He is an incalculable loss to the Green Party, to the country and to me personally.
"We were both elected co-leaders 10 years ago and elected to Parliament together in 1996.
"I will miss his political wisdom, his generosity of spirit, his good humour and his sense of fun, more than I can say."
Rod was a key player in bringing about proportional representation at the MMP referendum in 1993. Over the years his work has included community development in the Avon Loop in Christchurch, coordinating recycling for the city and leading Trade Aid nationally.
He was a passionate supporter of New Zealand manufacturing and self-reliance and of keeping jobs in New Zealand. In Parliament he has fought for justice, for exploited Asian workers in sweatshops through the Greens' fair trade campaign and for the people of Zimbabwe in his efforts to highlight human right abuses in that country.
The Green MPs are determined they will carry on with the work he has begun, in particular the Buy Kiwi-Made Campaign.
Party Co-Convenor Karen Davis said: "Rod has worked tirelessly to support our local branches, inspiring them with his enthusiasm for Green activism.
Ms Fitzsimons said: "Our love goes to his partner Nicola and his three daughters."