Amendment to the Meat Board Act 2004
Amendment to the Meat Board Act 2004 will promote business certainty
The Minister of Agriculture announced today the introduction of legislation amending the Meat Board Act 2004. The proposed amendments relate to provisions dealing with allocation of access to meat export quota markets.
"The Meat Board Amendment Bill amends the 2004 Act to clarify that the New Zealand Meat Board may allocate access to quota markets to meat industry participants who hold export registration certification, whether or not they currently export meat products. This will uphold the current policy with respect to quota allocation and is not intended to change the current practice," Jim Anderton said.
"The amendment will ensure that the financial benefits associated with New Zealand's preferential access to quota markets will continue to be available to the wider New Zealand meat industry, optimising positive economic outcomes in the domestic market. The amendment will also promote business certainty.
"The Amendment Bill will also address the fee charging provisions, to clarify that all persons applying for quota may be charged fees associated with allocation."
The Bill will be referred to and considered by the Primary Production Committee.