Ka Koi Rolls into Town
'Ka Koi Rolls into Town'
Dr Pita Sharples and Tariana Turia, Co-leaders Maori Party
A ‘ka-koi’ (hikoi with cars) will be arriving at Parliament at 11am on Tuesday 4 April (today) to promote the message of political representation and democratic participation.
“Maori are on a roll” stated Tariana Turia, Co-leader of the Maori Party. “We see Maori excellence emulated on the sports field, in the boardroom, in the concert hall, on the screen, and we are dedicated to bringing that same standard of excellence to the debating chamber”.
“Today’s event is a symbolic event, representing the momentum and the drive of tangata whenua throughout the land - who seek an independent Maori political voice in Parliament”.
“170 thousand Maori are currently on the General roll - if they were to use this Maori Electoral option to transfer to the Maori roll - we would see at least six new Maori electorates in the next Parliament” said Dr Pita Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party.
“It is a very exciting opportunity for all tangata whenua to have our hands on the steering wheel, in changing the face of politics forever” said
The ka-koi will conclude with a meeting in Matangireia, which is a special room which was dedicated to the former Native Affairs Committee in 1922. Along the walls are portraits of former Maori parliamentarians, including James Carroll, Te Rangi Hīroa, Māui Pōmare, Apirana Ngata, Eruera Tirikātene and Matiu Rata.
The room was given the name Matangireia (thirteenth and uppermost heaven) where all iwi could meet in a place endowed with feelings of peace, harmony and tranquillity. The room features a large reproduction of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, with the signatories.
“There is no better place for the representatives from all our Maori electorates to gather together, to consider the future of Maori political power”.