Insurance plan will push up rents
Phil Heatley MP
National Party Housing Spokesman
03 May 2006
Insurance plan will push up rents
National Party Housing spokesman Phil Heatley is urging Labour not to push up rents for struggling families renting in the private sector.
”If Maryan Street’s Bill to make landlords liable for insuring tenant damage succeeds, expect the cost to be passed straight on to tenants.
“Make no mistake, it’s the tenant who will pick up the tab for this poorly targeted piece of legislation through higher rents.
“It is simply ridiculous to make landlords liable for damage done by the tenant, or even visitors to the property.”
Mr Heatley says it’s likely insurance companies will want to consider things like property location and other factors when assessing risk and setting premiums.
“And for that reason this is bound to hit tenants with the biggest families and lowest incomes the hardest. This'll end up hurting the very people Labour says it is trying to help,” says Mr Heatley