Multi-party group sets scene for further work
13 September 2006
Multi-party group sets scene for further work
Social Development Minister David Benson-Pope and Maori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia have welcomed the continued interest from members of the multi-party group in exploring ways to eliminate family violence.
At the group's third meeting today, the Ministers confirmed they had incorporated feedback from the Green Party, concerning the portrayal of violence in the media, into the Programme of Action on Family Violence. Parties represented today were Labour, Greens, National, Act, United Future, Progressive, and the Maori Party, who members welcomed for the first time.
Mr Benson-Pope said that today's meeting set the scene for future meetings to engage on specific issues related to family violence.
"Until now, meetings have been largely taken up with the necessary task of briefing members on government initiatives already underway. Now we're all reading from the same page, so to speak, we can move from briefings to engagement in the areas agreed upon by the group.
"Both Mr Horomia and myself are delighted to see the ongoing commitment to finding ways to weed out the cancer of family violence in our communities," Mr Benson-Pope said.
Mr Horomia said the meeting's constructive discussion resulted in an agreement on how members can effectively share information and ideas, and set specific agendas for open, non-partisan discussion.
Two further meetings have been set at this stage, the first for the recess at the end of September, and the second during the next Parliamentary session.