Support for sea lion campaign
27 September 2006
Support for sea lion campaign
Green Party MP Sue Kedgley today added her support to Forest and Bird's campaign to end the killing of our endangered Hooker's sea lions.
"While it's fantastic that our Government is prepared to stand up on the world stage and oppose the killing of endangered whales, it is hypocritical and embarrassing that at home we are allowing the slaughter of our native sea lions.
"We can't be seen to advocate to protect whales overseas and allow the continued killing of a threatened sea lion species here that is at even greater risk of extinction than the minke whale. It undermines our credibility.
"It is frankly appalling that we even have a 'kill quota' for a threatened species like the Hooker's or New Zealand sea lion, and even more appalling that our Minister of Agriculture - against the advice of the Minister of Conservation - this year increased the kill limit. This decision appears not be based on scientific information but rather on appeasing the squid industry.
"The economic interests of the squid industry should not be given priority over the survival of an endangered species. New Zealanders feel strongly about this, as evidenced by the 17,000-signature petition presented today," Ms Kedgley says.