Supergold Card Welcomed
Supergold Card Welcomed
Minister for Senior Citizens Ruth Dyson today welcomed the announcement of details of the Supergold Card for older New Zealanders.
"The Supergold Card recognises the contribution that senior citizens make to New Zealand and fulfils a commitment made as part of the confidence and supply agreement the Labour-led government has with New Zealand First," says Ruth Dyson.
The card will offer discounts for seniors with participating businesses and easy access to concessions on government and local authority services.
The card will be sent automatically to people receiving NZ Super or a Veteran's Pension, with a special version going to war and emergency service veterans.
It will carry the holder's name, a number and whether the holder receives NZ Super or a Veteran's Pension, or has a Community Services Card. A photograph for ID purposes is optional.
"About 540,000 people including around 15,000 under the age of 65 will be eligible to receive the card. Cardholders' spouses who are under 65 will also be able to access the commercial discounts," said Ms Dyson.
The Card will be available from August next year.
Due to high interest in the card the Ministry of Social Development has set up two freephone numbers 0800 25 45 65 for seniors with initial enquiries, and 0508 65 00 00 for businesses. More information is also available at