The Mapp Report - New directions for National
The Mapp Report
New directions
for National
One of John Key’s characteristics is his clarity on issues. He knows what he believes. For quite some time people have been looking for a new direction from National, and that is to be more inclusive.
During the last campaign a number of people said to me that they were thinking of voting National but were worried about a) policy on nuclear ships or b) whether we cared about the environment or c) could we be trusted with race relations?
For at least some of those people the “but” was too great, and they ended up voting for other parties, and we did not form the government.
We have been addressing these concerns during the last year. However, John’s election (unopposed) as leader shows in a dramatic fashion that these concerns have now been fully addressed. He has given three speeches already this week, which have been well publicised, dealing with each of these issues. These can be found at:
Today’s announcement of my new portfolios will certainly provide big challenges. The two major portfolios will be Auckland issues and Defence. I will also retain an interest in Industrial Relations by being an associate, and Chair of the Caucus Policy Committee.
The debate over the Stadium is a dramatic illustration of the failing of governance in our region. We need to do serious thinking on this, to get a much better and more democratic governance of our city.
Our city has big issues; how to be a key Pacific Rim city, how to boost economic growth and innovation and how to fix the infrastructure deficit. This will be my focus over the next two years.
The events in the South Pacific of the last few weeks shows just what an unstable region we live in. Our defence forces are really stretched. Yesterday at the National Foreign Affairs and Defence Forum I made comments on the problem facing our defence forces. These can be found at: and Articles/Foreign Affairs seminar.htm
01 December 2006
Dr Wayne Mapp
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