Midwives funding move a Band-Aid
Hon Tony Ryall
National Health Spokesman
04 December 2006
Midwives funding move a Band-Aid
National’s Health spokesman, Tony Ryall, says Labour's $2 million a year on the rural midwife workforce is a band-aid.
“The announcement fails to provide any leadership or direction for the future. It is a band-aid that will not provide a lasting solution to the maternity crisis in rural areas.
“Labour is failing to address the major challenges in maternity care: greater co-operation between midwives and GPs, and bringing midwifery into primary care teams and PHOs.
"Right now, midwifery is outside of the primary care team approach, when it should be an important part of it.
“Sadly today's funding band-aid misses the opportunity to encourage that greater integration," says Mr Ryall.