New Zealand continues support for Nuclear Security
Hon Phil Goff
Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control
20 December 2006
Media statement
New Zealand continues support for Nuclear Security Fund
New Zealand will contribute another $25,000 to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to help its efforts to improve nuclear safety and security and fight the possibility of nuclear terrorism, Disarmament and Arms Control Minister Phil Goff announced today.
“New Zealand is pleased to be able to make this contribution as part of our commitment to multilateral efforts for disarmament and non proliferation.
“The IAEA is responsible for nuclear safeguards, and has a key role in supporting international efforts to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,” Mr Goff said.
“The IAEA also works with countries possessing nuclear and radioactive material, to ensure that all such material is stored safely and accounted for, and that individual states have the capacity to address their long term nuclear security needs.
“There is a real threat of nuclear terrorism and other malicious acts involving nuclear material. The IAEA’s Nuclear Security programme makes a vital contribution to global security,” Mr Goff said.
New Zealand has contributed to the Nuclear Security Fund each year since its establishment in 2002, in the aftermath of the events of 11 September 2001.