Budget 07: Extra funding to support Māori wardens
Hon Parekura Horomia
Minister of Māori Affairs
Extra funding to support Māori wardens
Realising the potential of Māori wardens to support their communities, especially Māori youth, is the aim of a significant investment provided by Budget 2007, says Māori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia.
“One of the strengths of Māori wardens is their intimate knowledge of, and deep connection with, their local communities. That is why the Labour-led government is committing more resources for them to continue their important work. And it is why this government also supports establishing nationally- consistent training and support to ensure they have the most positive impact."
Te Puni Kōkiri already provides $178,000 a year, which is shared between providing administrative assistance to the Māori Wardens Association and funding local programmes targeting youth at risk.
"Budget 2007 provides $2.5 million for 2007/2008 to increase the capacity and capability of Māori Wardens. The funding will cover enhanced training, improved resources including vehicles, communications and uniforms; as well as working towards an improved governance structure for wardens.”
The investment, being made from re-prioritised operating funding within Te Puni Kōkiri, will improve links between Māori Wardens and other government and non-government agencies, for the benefit of the whole community particularly Maori youth,” Mr Horomia said.
“Training delivered to Māori Wardens will be developed by the Royal New Zealand Police College. A recent demonstration course delivered to Rotorua Wardens was a resounding success.”