Drive carefully over Labour weekend
Friday 19 October 2007 Media Statement
Drive carefully over Labour weekend
Transport Safety Minister Harry Duynhoven has urged motorists to take particular care over the Labour holiday weekend.
Last year, three people died over Labour weekend on New Zealand roads and Mr Duynhoven says it is important that people exercise particular care when there are high volumes of traffic on the road.
“People need to drive to the road conditions, especially if the weather is bad, watch their speed and be aware of other road users. Those people towing caravans, boats or horse floats need to be considerate of other motorists and pull over, when it is safe to do so, and let other people past. Slow drivers can cause accidents through the frustration they cause, as well those travelling above the speed limit.
“Motorists also need to be aware of the dangers of driver distraction and driver fatigue. If people are driving long distances they should take breaks along the way and make sure that they are not tired and fall asleep at the wheel. Driver distraction is also an issue during holiday periods, and drivers and passengers need to recognise that driving is full time occupation and any distraction can have fatal consequences.
“Motorcyclists should drive with their lights on to ensure they are easily seen on the road and motorists should do the same on the open road, as this is proven to reduce head on crashes,” said Mr Duynhoven today.
The holiday period runs from 4.00pm on Friday October 19 to 6.00am on Tuesday October 23.