Harawira Reverts To Type - Peters
Harawira Reverts To Type - Peters
Hone Harawira should decide whether he is an MP or a highly paid anarchist after his shameful outburst on the Terrorism Suppression Bill last night, says New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.
Mr Peters said the MP’s speech was in breach of the oath of allegiance all MPs must make when they enter parliament.
Parliament’s oath of allegiance is, “I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors, according to the law. So help me God”.
“By accusing the State of terrorism, and insisting he will flout the rule of law, Mr Harawira has overstepped the dividing line between militant protest and his lawful obligations as an MP,” said Mr Peters.
“Parliament must take a stand over this case. Either we stand for upholding the rule and spirit of the law or we tolerate Mr Harawira’s separatism and the rhetoric of revenge and hate.
“This irresponsible rhetoric is clearly aimed at inciting violence, which simply inflames the militant and tragic separatism that has already taken root in our country.
“Hone Harawira and his separatist cohorts have been indulged for two years by Parliament and the time is long overdue for some real scrutiny of their agenda so they can be held to account,” said Mr Peters.