Hone Harawira: Climate Change Bill
Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable
Preference) Bill
Wednesday 12 December 2007;
Hone Harawira, Climate Change spokesperson for
Maori Party
As I was thinking about what to say on this bill, a couple of emails came my way
The first was
fromLowndes Associates, proudly announcing that they
are the first law firm to get carbon neutral certification
in Aotearoa, although given the amount of methane coming off
the bull-droppings that are a natural part of law firms,
you’d have to assess that claim through a healthy whiff of
To their credit though, Lowndes Associates also
has an army of legal experts to help their clients
understand the government’s emissions trading scheme and
the emerging carbon trading market.
The second email came
from theIndigenous Environmental Network at the
United Nations climate talks in Bali, urging governments to
reject a World Bank initiative to include forests in carbon
TheForest Carbon Partnership Facility was
set to be launched as a key project in reducing emissions
through deforestation in developing countries, but the
Indigenous Environmental Network said that the scheme
would not make any difference, because all it would do is
let industrialised nations and companies, buy their way out
of emissions reductions.
Now when law firms, international
indigenous groups, and the World Bank, all get caught up in
something as big as climate change, you know it’s a big
deal, so you just have to ask, how come this government is
introducing something this important, under urgency? because
you simply do not get robust and intelligent debate on a
Bill squeezed into the middle of 19 other bills, being
rammed through the House just before Christmas.
What you
get is limited discussion from MPs thinking about something
else, and no real depth of understanding of the costs and
benefits of an emissions trading scheme to support global
efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
But there are
a couple of concepts I’d like to present as the Maori
Party contribution to this debate if I could.
The first is
our responsibility as tangata whenua to care for all those
who live in this land, and their descendants, in line with
our kaupapa of rangatiratanga, manaakitanga, and
whänaungatanga, and the obligations we have of care
and preservation.
This emissions trading scheme has a
similar philosophy of recognising and honouring obligations
in the industries of forestry, mining, steelworks and
farming, through the verification and surrender of emission
The second is the concept of kaitiakitanga,
and our responsibility to care for our world, through the
reduction of those activities that would harm and indeed
destroy that world.
In the interests of life itself, let
alone social, economic and environmental sustainability, we
have a responsibility to reduce our carbon output.
have a role to play in the reduction of greenhouse
emissions, and we don’t stand down from that
responsibility, but Maori also have the right to manage what
little assets they may have, for the betterment of their
people too.
And we realise that in order to manage both
roles effectively, we must, and we do appreciate that
ourtotal well-being, our health, our economy, and our
sustenance is dependent on the well-being and health of our
world itself, just as all indigenous peoples across the
globe understand their unique role of caring for and
conserving Mother Earth.
BUT, is this emissions trading scheme really the answer to all our climate change problems? or is it just creating a property rights regime, to let the worlds biggest polluters continue along their merry filthy way?
Charging people for greenhouse gas emissions was supposed to encourage businesses to come up with alternatives to fossil fuel, but all it’s doing is giving them an excuse to continue – I mean why bother with the expensive long-term structural changes, if you can meet your targets by simply buying pollution rights from operations that can reduce their carbon cheaply?
To understand how this Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill will affect Maori, we looked at what it will mean for Crown Forestry.
In a report calledMaori
Impacts from Emissions Trading Scheme, we get a clear
understanding of the responsibility Maori owners of Crown
Forest Licence Lands have, and I quote:
determining what constitutes a fair, equitable and
proportionate burden, Maori are assumed to be concerned with
their level of economic development relative to non-Maori
(as a consequence of past Crown actions or otherwise) as
well as their relative contribution to New Zealand’s green
house gas emissions”.
But Mr Speaker, there is no simple solution to this problem, particularly with so many factors at play, and to meet the challenges posed by greenhouse gas emissions, we need to be creative and innovative.
Furthermore, there is the question about
whether or not, the 55 million carbon credits due to be
allocated to pre 1990 forests under the proposed Act for
Crown Forestry Lands, should be allocated as part of treaty
settlements, and here’s where it all gets kinda tricky
because naturally, government officials say that claimants
should have to buy their carbon credits out of their
settlement monies, whereas Maori involved with Crown
Forestry Rental lands, quite rightly say that those carbon
credits should be treated like accumulated rental, separate
to their settlements.
Mr Speaker, the Maori Party
supports the advice from theClimate Change Iwi Leadership
Group and theMaori Reference Group that carbon
credits should be allocated on the same basis as accumulated
rental held by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust.
other words, once you acquire Crown Forestry Land you get
your carbon credits, or equivalent monetary, value over and
above your settlement.
We don’t see the sense in making
claimants buy these carbon credits from their settlement. In
fact, we believe that to make them do so, would constitute a
further breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
I mean,
claimants aren’t the reason these lands are not in Maori
ownership, and Maori should not be doubly punished for this,
while still being denied the same opportunities, as other
New Zealand owners of pre 1990 exotic forest lands.
We also note the concerns of the NZ council for infrastructure development that this legislation could place a ten year ban on thermal energy.
We have particular interest in this given the contribution that Tuaropaki Trust is making to geothermal power through Mokai 1. Tuaropaki Trust, which comprises hapu of Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngati Raukawa is an ahu whenua trust which is fast advancing progress in efficient thermal generation and we will be extremely interested to hear from their chairperson, Tumanako Wereta, about the implications of this Bill for them.
Mr Speaker, as I said earlier, there are some huge issues in this Bill – issues which will linger long after urgency has been lifted.
We welcome the opportunity for iwi to reflect on the issues that emerged at the National Climate Change hui in October, and the National Maori Forestry Hui held just last month, and we recommend in the strongest manner that all Maori interested in this debate, make sure they get along to the next national hui on this Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill which will be held at 1pm, on Tue 18 Dec 2007, at the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington.
We can’t just leave this to chance.
We must manage both the opportunity and the risk that presents itself with this Bill, and so we will support it at first reading to enable those debates to be had.