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Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll – i.e. every week – the talk resumes that he is about to be rolled. This is unlikely for several reasons. For starters, there is no successor. Nicola Willis? Chris Bishop? Simeon Brown? Mark Mitchell? Those are not compelling options. Erica Stanford would probably have most appeal to non-National voters, but they won’t be the ones making the call. The National MP who looks like a future party leader – James Meagher – has no name recognition, and has yet to be tested under pressure.
ACT Justice spokesperson Todd Stephenson is calling on the Green Party to confirm it does not support police abolition.
These changes are in line with FATF’s new best practice that countries should not only address their AML/CFT risks but also apply a risk-based approach to ensure that measures to target money laundering and terrorist financing don’t make it impossible for innocent people to access financial services.
We call on the New Zealand government to immediately condemn these attacks and implement sanctions against Israel, in accordance with international law.
Staff were told today of the latest proposed job cuts which could result in the net loss of 64 permanent roles, plus 69 fixed term roles which are not being renewed beyond 1 September, for a total reduction of 133 roles. These are spread across all five branches of DIA.
Dennis Maga, Workers First General Secretary, said he was proud that the union was making its mission clear with the new name. Mr Maga said that the union had sought to change its name to distinguish the organisation from similarly named business entities and encapsulate the union’s purpose more clearly.
In the lead-up to the 2025 budget, an open letter from New Zealand’s international development NGOs has asked the government to increase aid spending in the Pacific region, at a time of significant cutbacks by other bilateral donors.
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