UF tax package still the best on offer
Media statement
For immediate release
Wednesday, 8
October 2008
UF tax package still the best on offer
UnitedFuture leader Peter Dunne says today's tax cut package announced by National provides compelling evidence why New Zealanders should give their party vote to UnitedFuture.
"Our plan is simple, fair and easy to understand," he says.
"We would set tax rates at.-
up to $12,000
20% between $12,001 and $38,000
above $38,000.
"We would introduce income splitting for parents with dependent children; make honoraria for volunteers up to $1000 tax free; abolish gift duty and; align the top personal, company and trust tax rates at 30 cents.
"While I am pleased National's tax plan has finally been announced, it is not simple, and will be difficult to administer, with superannuitants and low income earners being the big losers.
“National has passed up the opportunity to make the tax system simpler for more taxpayers.
“Introducing more tax thresholds and a top rate of 37% is complex, not especially fair and involves cutting tax rebates for research and development and fiddling with the highly successful KiwiSaver scheme.
"If Kiwis want a tax system that is simple and fair, and won't break the bank, then they should vote UnitedFuture," says Mr Dunne.