Airbus 320 Crash Commemoration
Airbus 320 Crash Commemoration
I move, that this
Parliament expresses its sorrow at the tragic death of five
New Zealanders in the Airbus 320 crash in Perpignan,
France, that it extends its condolences to the family and
friends of Brian Horrell, Murray White, Michael Gyles,
Noel Marsh, and Jeremy Cook, and that it acknowledges the
excellent work undertaken by Air New Zealand and the French
authorities in the post-crash investigation and recovery
Hon Tariana Turia; Co-leader Maori Party
Tuesday 9 December 2008; 2pm
Kia ora tatou katoa
The 28th November will be etched in our memory forever and a day as a very sad day in the life of our nation. When we take into account some 29 years ago, an Air New Zealand flight crashed into Mount Erebus, killing all 257 people on board, and now with the fatal crash of the Airbus into the Mediterranean Sea.
And it is a tragedy that has touched us all.
It moved us as we travelled around New Zealand last Friday, noting the staff wearing black ribbons to mark their grief; the airports coming to a standstill to observe a minute’s silence.
Flags flew at half mast at nearby hangars; tears were shed.
Hei maumaharatanga –
And today we pay our respects to those who lost their lives, senior pilot Captain Brian Horrell, engineers Murray White, Michael Gyles and Noel Marsh, and Civil Aviation Authority inspector Jeremy Cook.
And while at home we mourned, on the beach at Perpignan, near where the plane crashed, Andrew Baker, Cultural Ambassador, performed the haka as the ultimate, and unique national tribute to those who were lost.
We remember them, and we express our sympathies today, to their families, in Tuatapere, Christchurch, Pakuranga, Auckland, and Wellington.
We hope that in the days to come, the families and friends of those who have suffered, will remember them with pride, the high esteem with which New Zealanders have regarded these people – who have given so much to the aviation industry, and who have paid the ultimate price for their distinguished careers.