First priority must be to keep Kiwis in jobs
15 December 2008
First priority must be to keep Kiwis in jobs
Labour is pleased to see the introduction of
financial assistance to Kiwis who lose their jobs because of
harsh economic times, but believes National should focus on
keeping workers in jobs, Labour’s Social Development
spokesperson Annette King said today.
Ms King said the National Party package provides for assistance for single income families, but leaves working couples without support.
“This package will mean that working couples on low to middle incomes will not receive anything should one of them lose their jobs.
“The package also gives no options for those who need to retrain.
“We have restart, replace and recover – but where is retrain?” Annette King said.
“The major failing of the National government package is that it had not been done in conjunction with a plan to stimulate the economy.
“Where is the plan to keep Kiwi’s in jobs?”
“This package provides only limited support and is not a replacement for the sound economic stimulus package National promised us before the election.”